link title id published scheduled started ended duration
【Fast Food Simulator】Getting Called A Donkey By @krowkovtuber For Burning Ice Cream rvg2lfintmY 4:04:48
【Elden Ring】Mind Sparing Some Blood For The Blood-Loss Twink?【Part 7】 ovNoSpc75Kk 3:53:41
【Until Then / Voice Acting】Professionally Balling Our Eyes Out w/ @HitomiHoshino -ymS0lLtMPI 4:24:22
【Elden Ring】Running Away From Impending Doom By Chariots & Responsibility【Part 6】 hjL_NxDJayY 4:53:26
【Mouthwashing】What In The Click Clackity Duck Is Going On Anyway? CTBsuZ7EOPA 3:59:07
【Elden Ring】Joining The Happy Volcano Manor Family! :D【Part 5】 2bcbB4Vrq2U 5:50:25
【Elden Ring】The Dex-Twink Choked By 4-Armed-Lady.jpeg【Part 4】 OcEPqK0akgY 3:24:16
【Ghostwire: Tokyo】Saving My Sister For Real This Time (NOT CLICKBAIT) (I HATE BRACKETS IN TITLES) yIMgIhqNBUQ 1:32:11
【Just Chatting / Karaoke】POV: Spending Valentine's Day Alone With A Tone-Deaf Secretary TWZg6p2FKL8 2:53:49
【Elden Ring】Embracing The Bleed Dex-Twink Build Against Enemies Who Don't Bleed【Part 3】 2-LDlqJc4e4 5:43:00
【The Whinery w/ @liorlli 】Inviting Extraterrestrial Entity to Drink On The Job! 7Bq9bid_2sQ 5:22:34
【Raft Collab w/ @krowkovtuber!】We Getting Rescued!! ...right? RIGHT?! iijq18C4smQ 5:17:57
【Elden Ring】MARGIT, THE FELL OMEN!! WE SETTLE THIS NOW!!!【Part 2】 12AQ8g7vtVg 4:15:35
【Zatsudan / Just Chatting】Done The Grass Touching & Returning To Degeneracy! BbhQILE2u84 2:13:15
【Ghostwire: Tokyo】So...What Are We Doing...? OH YEAH SISTER- XUWJbprcEHE 2:10:46
【The Whinery Ep.1】Whining With a Taste of Wine feat. Theodore Locus q-QOBnz-4DI 4:28:09
【Raft Collab w/ @krowkovtuber!】The Dynamic Duo Return To Perishing On A Raft! 11zkh8IfWNo 5:08:40
【Elden Ring】Sekiro-Tested Secretary Takes On The Hardest Task - Stop Being Maidenless 【Part 1】 cooUuK0LYcE 4:45:11
【Karaoke / Zatsudan】Surprise Singing To Soothe Your Weekend...wait- q1DNDJwzXVY 2:44:07
【STRAFTAT Open Lobby 1v1】 My Aim Sucks Evidently, So LET'S PROVE IT!! 7gLg8UeZ1XE 2:21:54
【STAFTAT Open Lobby 1v1】 My Aim Sucks Evidently, So LET'S PROVE IT!! PLnAmNPH5q4 0:33:00
【Ghostwire: Tokyo】After School Campus Is The Best Liminal Space, Change My MInd N9bBIGESj9c 2:54:20
【Zatsudan / Marshmallow Q&A】New Year, Who Dis? PwgBfeVGCa4 5:08:49
【2024 Recap / Farewell ALTYR】The End of An Amazing Chapter, Thank You. oHsR0-YDmeY 4:47:25
【Zatsudan / Working Stream】Secretarial Rambles You Listen To While Studying / Working -irdHsdlk7s 2:23:02
【Poetry Reading / Reviewing】A Lyrical & Rhythmic Path To Heal Thy Emotions mLzn_OmoG08 3:37:38
【Limbus Company - Canto 4】Admit It, Yi Sang...I Am You. J9xLmjX7Qj0 3:08:47
【Ghostwire: Tokyo】Just Wait For Me To Do These Gestures Before Attacking, Please :) foWR8pAQQoI 4:10:55
【Limbus Company - Canto 4】...ok Anyone Remembers What We're Here For? OfOp9pacS84 2:48:43
【Sea of Thieves】Getting Attacked By Everything On The Seven Seas For The Curse of Sunken Sorrow! z0kn_1dtjsc 5:53:47
【Karaoke / Songs Learning】Tripping Over Lyrics and Being Consistently Out of Tune.mp4 -L83F_WFJX8 3:08:32
【Limbus Company - Canto 4】What's Next, Undead Soldiers With Half a Body? iHGgOF17EGM 2:43:14
【Ghostwire: Tokyo】Have I Mentioned How Edgy Yet Fun This Game Is? NgyN8SuuUDY 4:39:15
An Announcement. FUY1EmoNT4A 2:07:48
【Limbus Company - Canto 4】It's Like Proper Distortion, But Ideal. IFbTyacEvqk 3:53:26
【Buckshot Roulette Collab/Open Lobby】POINT IT AT ME I DARE YA!! fcXA-3VVmfI 2:37:27
【Limbus Company - Intervallo 1】Let Me Guess, Ryoshu Burns The Kitchen. 7zBfwHPXrlE 3:41:52
【Sea of Thieves】Embarking on a Grand Voyage...Alone. OO2vRGlvxXY 4:03:02
【Ghostwire: Tokyo】anyway, SO I STARTED BLASTING!! cp64_jIY-QA 3:47:33
【Limbus Company - Canto III】Can We Stop Tormenting Our Boy Sinclair ;~; F4Rtt0bhNOE 2:56:44
【Zatsudan / Study Stream】Meet Me Beneath The Sea of Literary, I'll Talk You To Sleep... DvcXFb_wVdU 3:05:11
【Ib】Ib needs to be safe, but GARRY NEEDS TO SURVIVE AT ALL COST!!!! 2GKqcHeqf9A 4:24:57
【Halloween Special 3D Reveal Stream】Going 3 Dimensional for the Spooktober! ObnsDJ98vF4 2:21:49
【Ib】Enjoying Contemporary Art Is Ever So Aesthetically Terrifying :| KH5x8M5iQyQ 3:39:32
【Welcome To Kowloon】Experiencing the I'll-Excrete-Yourself Indie Horror :D H16InsgdtlM 2:27:33
【Spooky's Jumpscare Mansion】600 Rooms Then, 400 Rooms More, I'm Not Gonna Cry!! XSesl-sSNNE 3:59:49
【The Bridge Curse: Road To Salvation】YOU CAN'T SCARE ME IF I CAN'T UNDERSTAND YOU!! f02_xZGq1Xk 4:18:23
【Spooky's Jumpscare Mansion】This is a cute game with cute jumpscares, right? RIGHT?! jMNN_J9Bhfo 3:50:35
【Fears To Fathom - Carson House】How Much Stalking Does It Take To Outstalk The Stalker? sghWaNy4wys 3:23:36
【Gris】Basking In Melancholic Beauty TqFpwzedycQ 4:35:45
【Deadlock Collab】When Mistress Main & Bare-Feet Sniper Main Lane Together... RkTt5iiX_uQ 2:51:21
【Limbus Company - Canto III】WHY DO WE EVEN KEEP DON'S MOUTH UNSEALED?!?! kBIgEn4swCk 3:52:48
【Fears To Fathom - Home Alone】I need a new door lock, and a new pair of pants 0o8bdLZsR-k 3:03:37
【Deadlock】Secretarial CSGO Player's First Step Into MOBA Hell hMbo20_Cwis 4:07:48
【Limbus Company】Onto Canto III With Solemn "My Gun Go Brrrrr" Lament! hLyGTi6-3bk 3:22:58
【Zatsudan / Just Chatting】Temporarily Back In Town, Wanna Hear The Moronic Things That Happened? -5-a6rs7ssM 2:34:42
【Limbus Company】One More Dungeon Before Your Dailies Are Here, DANTEHH Nxgf3EteGxw 2:59:53
【Deep Talk Submission】Continuation Of Your Kidna- I Mean Healing Session JpKSN_f9WH4 3:39:02
【Limbus Company】All Aboard The Canto II Train! Not You, Vergil. n-3m9l7wDto 5:10:47
【Deep Talk Submission】Me Taking You Hostage And Talk About Feelings EJvIjR8OBLc 3:54:11
【Browsing / Zatsudan】Hysterical Rambles & Browsing Through Limbus Fandom's Pages Imbound! VEhaN4Gq48g 2:53:28
【Limbus Company】So 12 Sinners and a down-bad secretarial manager walks into a dungeon... Kf4fJXKxEhk 4:16:26
【The Bathhouse | 地獄銭湯 Restored】What Job Isn't Haunted At This Point?! p3cfGm09YOw 4:32:55
【Clickolding / Teleforum】The Epitome Of Scarny Is Here!! UnmK-3AFHoQ 4:10:41
【Limbus Company】Welp, Off To Join The Outist! nOOvzrIlXnU 2:32:37
【Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice】Tier Listing Bosses I'm Bad At【Analysis】 7RohYfLlOqI 4:17:55
【Limbus Company】Secretary's First Step Into Project Moon's Cult WvLgvTZBDE0 2:48:19
【Working / Zatsudan】Remembering How To Stream & Talk sgIRdRK9_0Q 2:23:41
【Rizz/Pick-Up Lines Rating!】Cringing And Cherishing At Your Way Of Love...? kG6CHmymjK0 3:31:35
【Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice】What Am I NOT Fighting At This Point?!【Part 4】 PStTyqVqhJI 4:58:15
【Stumble Guy / Crab Game Collab】Look At All These People Who I'll Betray Later :D Cgji69-9hJE 2:54:35
【Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice】Stuck Between Monks and A Hard Place【Part 3】 KHZuWt130i4 3:37:53
【Dead Space 2008】Day 46 of Fixing THE SAME SHIP【Part 4】 1M_SMiJZRr4 3:06:26
【Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice】Making My Way Downtown To Ashina's Compound :D【Part 2】 X8mxYsWqpXk 4:36:39
【Dead Space 2008】I've fought A wall of blob, how bad can it get?【Part 3】 slubbQmCORo 4:16:30
【Writing / Zatsudan】Writing Novella With Distraction 4HSG-SmzQKc 3:58:48
【Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice】PTSD Driven Redemption Back To Soul-Likes IAallGpOE4M 3:52:07
【Dead Space 2008】Zero-G Lobotomy Simulator Activate!!【Part 2】 -F2gHmQ7NOI 3:30:05
【From The Darkness / Clap Clap】Can't see, can't be scared :D 666nRmyZnVo 2:21:55
【HELLDIVERS 2 Collab】The Global Squad's Strive FOR DEMOCRACY joOgI-_JgVE
【Dead Space 2008】Old is Gold, Gore Is Adored...? R_gCjC38PZM 3:59:22
【Zatsudan (Was Dead Space)】WhAt aM i eVeN DoWnLoAdInG?! 5Dol1y4UN5I 3:01:00
【Firework 烟火】Getting Confused By Every Other Name In Chinese c7gqGf_F3QY 4:13:13
【Zatsudan】Moving Forward For Me And My Love For You. SrSDingxWWE 2:54:26
【COD:MW2 Spec Ops】2 Mid FPS Player VS Deathly Old Connection Issue jxyK0BpmFb8 3:47:33
【To The Moon Minisodes & A Bird Story】A Quiet Time For Intimate Story. ooKv4oyc0UE 3:24:56
【Firework 烟火】Solving Mysteries While Screaming With My Broken Chinese pJi_sDFCtao 3:36:09
【COD: MW2 100% Achievement】Finishing The Loose Ends...I'm not crying I swear e45MMCut9As 3:44:04
【COD: MW2 100% Achievement】Subjecting Myself To Nostalgic Purgatory Challenge! :D Vh1_QAICWbw 4:34:50
【Working / Zatsudan】Catching Up To Deadlines While I'm Distracting You ;) u4nHc2esthQ 3:40:27
Witch Hunt - Azari | Cover by Nious Heiramond zW911dIPgSU 0:03:12
【Love and Deepspace】Does Merman taste like Sushi or Human? kLnXbSL3uZw 3:18:40
【New Outfit Reveal & Announcement】POV: Did my laundry and realize I have different outfits. QsiJ51qi5Rk 1:28:42
【Karaoke / Zatsudan】Soft Singing and Talking You Sleep Or Work To a9DvWjLnYc8 2:56:34
【Shinkansen 0 | 新幹線 0号】It was the damn Exit 8 and now THIS?! pPG1Pfjp8oM 3:15:16
【Love and Deepspace】Seriously...WHERE'S RAFAYEL IN THE MAIN STORY??? 3YFAx9XVSVs 3:08:04
【Resident Evil 8 Village】Dude who can't count to 8 vs Megatron【Part 4】 Z9GLo_zVP1Y 4:03:52
【To The Moon】Just let them be happy...for one last time.📘 - Nious Heiramond G4AhJmDuwnM 3:25:00
【Resident Evil 8 Village】I Am, the one who BONKS📘 - Nious Heiramond 【Part 3】 QlhNEYjURRk 3:43:45
【Love and Deepspace】Just Eyeing the Prize :D 2or1wSMWSaM 2:53:25
【Birthday Celebration!】Why are we celebrating me getting older?📘 - Nious Heiramond 3RDzbmUll88 3:26:27
【Resident Evil 8 Village】ANSWER ME CHRIS! WHYYY-📘 - Nious Heiramond 【Part 2】 NSow2ckq-V8 4:30:31
【To The Moon】Flyyy Me To The Moonnn~📘 - Nious Heiramond i6UGOYj-8l0 3:48:15
【Resident Evil 8 Village】I'm Stressed in Multitude Of Ways📘 - Nious Heiramond 【Part 1】 9YVUIvatHBQ 4:20:32
【Love and Deepspace】We're in a library...can we not here? #shorts #verticallive 7tFOpS3v8hk 3:26:41
【RE7 DLCs/Banned Footages】Stories of the Extraordinaries📘 - Nious Heiramond _1VNLpd2YXw 5:23:42
【Content Warning Collab】mOnStEr HuNtInG gOnE WrOnG?!?!📘 - Nious Heiramond AShHXI2nVQs 3:29:50
【Resident Evil 7】Can't Your Insanity Wait?📘 - Nious Heiramond 【Part 2】 kPdjQBVBGU0 5:10:58
【Working / Zatsudan】Compromise for how much I miss you📘 - Nious Heiramond OOacUT2tyLc 4:36:59
【Love and Deepspace】Your Pocky and You Are Mine! #shorts #verticallive meLiYwrzM5Q 3:19:49
【Zatsu/Reading/April Fools!】Reading with a dashing young look :D📘 - Nious Heiramond KZanbynpmmk 1:58:38
【Resident Evil 7】Being Welcomed to the Family📘 - Nious Heiramond 【Part 1】 irF0Itgqi78 4:22:26
【Oneshot Solstice Ending】Saving The World Again, the Right Way📘 - Nious Heiramond q28UqnZiLjQ 4:52:54
【Oneshot】A Chill Adventure of Important Duty Resumes📘 - Nious Heiramond vFyQHdSUwbY 3:39:29
【ALTYR Anniversary + Announcement!】Celebrating A Year-Long of Your Love📘 - Nious Heiramond USpDvpOUJUI 4:37:47
【Love and Deepspace】Spontaneous Reverse Harem Engaged #shorts #verticallive 46WxW2YMTGY 3:02:21
【Oneshot】Secretary's Journey to Restore the...Sun???📘 - Nious Heiramond AbSHNi2YCNg 4:37:45
【Aka Manto | 赤マント】Running Away With Full Force & Absolute Composure📘 - Nious Heiramond I4CK09vYWm4 3:53:16
【TLOU1: Left Behind DLC】Back to childhood~ Just a tad more f'd up📘 - Nious Heiramond 7R0THhPhzWw 3:45:50
【Love and Deepspace】Still as pretty vertically, hm? #shorts okUMqEyectU 3:07:24
【The Last Of Us Part 1】Even In-game I'm going to college...wt-📘 - Nious Heiramond 【Part 4】 haltEVQQ_J0 4:51:28
【Refind Self: The Personality Test Game】WHO AM IIII📘 - Nious Heiramond ClRNx71EI_E 4:00:15
【Working / Zatsudan】Making my research about You might just be better📘 - Nious Heiramond jm9xZraAtj4 4:07:49
【The Last Of Us Part 1】Smuggler, Cure to Humanity...and a Secretary?📘 - Nious Heiramond 【Part 3】 sSQmqXngx4k 4:37:00
【Love and Deepspace】Drenched in Fluster and Jealousy📘 - Nious Heiramond Fp_TXShU78U 3:29:01
【The Last Of Us Part 1】Grumpy Old Guy Bothering Local Lone Survivor.mp4📘 - Nious Heiramond 【Part 2】 hUKUyGkNsdk 3:47:57
【Amnesia: The Bunker】For once I prefer being outside📘 - Nious Heiramond 【Part 2】 e7Wtrg9RhnM 5:15:11
【The Last Of Us Part 1】We may have lost once, but we're not losing twice!! 📘 - Nious Heiramond OQVDWxvlOmA 4:09:40
【Zatsudan】One More Talk Before Grass Touching📘 - Nious Heiramond 5iPVHdUaj0M 3:34:19
【Palworld Collab】But we really need to defeat her?📘 - Nious Heiramond vP5yz6vNQo4 2:59:50
【Amnesia: The Bunker】why won't this gun just...WORK!!📘 - Nious Heiramond Gv931v2Mx6g 4:33:14
【Palworld Collab】The ALTYR's Testament on...Ethics??📘 - Nious Heiramond 7NGM0Pv_W1o 3:32:09
【Alien: Isolation】Lost in space...Yet Serenity at last📘 - Nious Heiramond【Part 6 Finale】 wpZX9feGszA 5:00:23
【Omori】'Till we finally meet amidst Omori 📘 - Nious Heiramond 【Part 11】 _kzJMUm8onU 6:20:26
【Lethal Company Collab】Internship at the world beyond📘 - Nious Heiramond 4rlqZSOWef0 3:24:55
【Sifu 師父】Bonking Bad Guys with...Vengeance?📘 - Nious Heiramond OU-L3DGgYUg 4:54:47
【Choo-Choo Charles】iT's bEhInd Me, IsN't iT *GULP* 📘 - Nious Heiramond 3HxSJP2Y4tQ 4:29:00
【Omori】Wish to only say in ever, I'm sorry 📘 - Nious Heiramond 【Part 10】 cSdUqmdkA84 4:20:29
【Working / Zatsudan】A Private And Quiet Time With Yours Truly📘 - Nious Heiramond sO1EeqsjERk 4:14:39
【Alien: Isolation】Birth of The Vent Goblin📘 - Nious Heiramond【Part 5】 Jdhb29vLrtM 5:17:31
【The Kidnap | 誘拐事件 / Buckshot Roulette】A Trip Down Stockholm Syndrome Lane📘 - Nious Heiramond Zk6q3N6vRic 4:48:46
【Omori】Hatred for thyself, wish to find what's lost 📘 - Nious Heiramond 【Part 9】 0fQ7krXqeIU 4:15:40
【Omori】Dawn of time, blight in dusk, love for you will be lost 📘 - Nious Heiramond 【Part 8】 Z2yYG1uF_Og 3:58:44
【Alien: Isolation / Announcement!】Who keeps having Taco Bell in here?!📘 - Nious Heiramond【Part 4】 Gd9eWUnhjtE 2:58:04
Sarushibai 猿芝居 by なとり - Nious Heiramond【Song Cover】 bXJQwu1Y7rI 0:04:51
【2023 Recap / Zatsudan】Farewell To The First Chapter of Our Tales📘 - Nious Heiramond Ftw7iHAag88 5:09:16
【Alien: Isolation】Couldn't Space Stations Be Less Complicated??📘 - Nious Heiramond 【Part 3】 4rRrY7s-usA 3:49:19
【Omori】That Day I Found Them, The Ones I Must Protect📘 - Nious Heiramond 【Part 7】 cSq4zL2-BwU 4:19:10
【Karaoke / 1k Celebration】Finally Living Up To My Promise📘 - Nious Heiramond 8nx3WYfSS44 2:24:34
【The Exit 8】Shouldn't Exit be...I don't know...EXITABLE?📘 - Nious Heiramond UAIdwDgsans 3:42:13
【Omori】Called Me Someone In Never, Family📘 - Nious Heiramond 【Part 6】 UdyyBkL0hFc 4:17:44
【Alien: Isolation】Skill: Screeching in Closet Obtained📘 - Nious Heiramond 【Part 2】 hgi1JOqdyv4 3:57:34
【Omori】Within the Abyss You Picked Me,📘 - Nious Heiramond 【Part 5】 R3a1IgQyrm0 3:49:54
【Omori】Seems Solitude Is My Companion. 📘 - Nious Heiramond 【Part 4】 aS1r1bkdN8c 4:11:29
【Working / Zatsudan】Ascend Beneath The Pile Of Work!...To Work!📘 - Nious Heiramond xff6NbqleYk 4:14:29
【Alien: Isolation】They're like T-Rexes, just stand still...I think📘 - Nious Heiramond 【Part 1】 nb_kBiWQdM0 4:19:11
【Omori】And Desolation Becomes My Only Friend📘 - Nious Heiramond 【Part 3】 W7hKwunu4Do 3:17:38
【Counter-Strike 2】POV: The secretary has had enough work📘 - Nious Heiramond p_bjQyq2v3I 3:40:29
【Omori】As Grievance Burns Within📘 - Nious Heiramond 【Part 2】 WmxcmwNgUFo 3:49:00
Nious F'd Around & Found Out #vtuber #shorts LYpdxrcpmTY
Nious Loses His Mind to BEANS #shorts YjcZW7Qm-5c
【Omori】The Internal Torment Begins... 📘 - Nious Heiramond 【Part 1】 PEb4mK7zsjg 3:29:35
【Viscera Cleanup Detail】The Aftermath of Spooky Month, Retributed📘 - Nious Heiramond z42Bcetpnwg 3:51:23
【No One Lives Under the Lighthouse】But I want to live under there :(📘 - Nious Heiramond oPcLOhKMJEA 4:04:29
【Five Nights at Freddy's 4】I said wait for me at the bedroom, NOT THIS!!📘 - Nious Heiramond NZtvSxGyRT0 4:08:00
【Prey 2017】Least Likely Combination Commences: Secretary in Space📘 - Nious Heiramond -pgziD6ro9s 3:43:37
【Five Nights at Freddy's 3】ShOuLd'Ve TaKeN mY mEdS BeFoRe WoRk📘 - Nious Heiramond u4bTpGn9mRg 2:59:59
【Visage】Sanity & Face Contortion Imminent 📘 - Nious Heiramond BxUlMSZbHhY 2:58:04
【Five Nights at Freddy's 2】WHY DO I KEEP GOING BACK TO THIS JOB📘 - Nious Heiramond zeTBel2z5XE 3:39:16
【Blind Date Collab w/ @NaviChh 】Finding My Heirs A Step-Dad📘 - Nious Heiramond umpbKXTc7as 3:53:15
【Five Nights at Freddy's】Guess Those Animatronics Are...Animated📘 - Nious Heiramond -wNoZXZ5v3A 3:57:22
【Mortuary Assistant】Making friends in a Morgue📘 - Nious Heiramond KV8IofEZW4k 5:25:35
【Convenience Store / 夜勤事件】Worst Part-Time Work Experience Ever📘 - Nious Heiramond OJf1rSrnmio 3:18:36
【Just Chatting】Talk Before the Spooky Storm📘 - Nious Heiramond 1qXuKwpvtmw 3:28:17
【Creepypasta Reading】Trial To The Spooky Month Commence!📘 - Nious Heiramond masC2v11xXI 2:21:04
【Parasocial パラソーシャル】Now Entering: Every Vtuber's Nightmare📘 - Nious Heiramond vRWzFGXQxAk 3:16:36
【Reading Stream - The Vampyre】Finishing homework with the helps of you📘 - Nious Heiramond 1HdLaqwMsq0 2:18:31
【Superliminal】 I 2D this entire time???📘 - Nious Heiramond 9_ikZQ8uxUo 3:36:26
【Release Party】Overdosing on Overdose📘 - Nious Heiramond VXVzJJ7kOYQ 1:28:49
Overdose by なとり - Nious Heiramond 【Song Cover】 w7Zs76oX-7A 0:04:10
【Just Chatting】Talking About Creative Process, Indeed?📘 - Nious Heiramond UgAs6NhfMIc 4:29:57
【Escape The Backrooms / Collab】How do you rebind noclip? 📘 - Nious Heiramond -wI9P7yTz5s 3:30:26
【RE2: Remake】Love you so much to fight you twice (:📘 - Nious Heiramond 【Part 5】 EnvesyeCLgU 3:26:02
【Jump King Endurance】They call me stubborn, I call it Persistence📘 - Nious Heiramond nIY9ZWCFOpc 9:01:47
【RE2: Remake】THOSE ZOMBIES AIN'T GOTTA WAIT📘 - Nious Heiramond 【Part 4】 uVKpVT7aAJg 4:18:35
【Work ASMR】Kept slacking...Need Discipline!📘 - Nious Heiramond fUoVng_SsGc 2:29:38
【RE2: Remake】The Nest? It's not that deep~~📘 - Nious Heiramond 【Part 3】 d1mVC2ZQaII 3:46:12
【NieR:Automata】Emotions are prohibited? Nonchalant Thirst Activated 📘 - Nious Heiramond 【Part 2】 TM0qrXN4cE8 4:19:08
【Summer Of '58 & September 7th】Midsummer Christmas WOOOOO📘 - Nious Heiramond 81GzM9nk210 3:21:01
【RE2: Remake】Zombie Scary, Pat Required📘 - Nious Heiramond 【Part 2】 na-JrKd0aN0 4:31:57
【Misao】TEACHER!! THERE'S A WEIRD LADY IN THE HALLWAY~~~📘 - Nious Heiramond gd9YUO6J1fU 4:58:20
【NieR:Automata】Hey We All Know Who's The Best Girl: 9S!📘 - Nious Heiramond 【Part 1】 xXaqr-jR3qk 3:28:54
【RE2: Remake】Is Everyone's First Day THIS Intense???📘 - Nious Heiramond 【Part 1】 rpv4xA0ODe8 3:45:07
【Mad Father】Guys...I think he's mad📘 - Nious Heiramond 2IvTqlUHJME 6:12:55
【Just Chatting】"Good, We've One Less Loose End"📘 - Nious Heiramond vnBYJycomUc 3:58:34
【We Were Here / Collab】Journey of The Lost Librarian & Secretary 📘 - Nious Heiramond cNTZ3Sf8xq0 3:25:53
【The Beast Inside】 Repel the Depraved...Or Join it?📘 - Nious Heiramond 【Part 3】 GcJ9_cFbqg8 3:07:07
【RE4: Remake Speedrun】Final Part for Final Challenges!!📘 - Nious Heiramond 【Part 12】 nc_D6s8XXlM 4:55:42
【The Beast Inside】Lost in Darkness...and Puzzles📘 - Nious Heiramond 【Part 2】 nwJNG67BmPY 4:59:23
【The Beast Inside】The What inside Where???📘 - Nious Heiramond 【Part 1】 yTYxDR2D5Ps 4:30:32
【Only Up】We End This Today!...maybe📘 - Nious Heiramond 【Part 3...Finale?】 fJYzVbrHwRA 4:29:53
【Just Chatting Collab!】Being Observed by The Observer📘 - Nious Heiramond l6l0NileY8c 3:49:55
【LIMBO】Hey, Who Made My Life Into A Game? 📘 - Nious Heiramond i8rJ5DCJoWE 5:30:37
【Only Up】Chatting At Terminal Velocity📘 - Nious Heiramond 【Part 2】 mFOjDVA9RTs 4:18:31
【Literary ASMR】Just Another Reading Session...or..?📘 - Nious Heiramond 0nXGS0gIHqA 2:10:59
【Cry Of Fear】Have a Monster Problem? Use 12 Gauge :D📘 - Nious Heiramond 【Part 2】 zjhl7Ru9evQ 4:44:10
【Only Up】It Can Only Go Up From Here...right?📘 - Nious Heiramond 【Part 1?】 eB2crZWEzfw 4:02:29
【RE4: Remake Speedrun】ZOOOOOM for the cat ear📘 - Nious Heiramond 【Part 11】 ChP53J3Hh84 6:31:40
【Cry Of Fear】 Just Like How I Spend My Fridays!📘 - Nious Heiramond 【Part 1】 QTUkrnznfbs 4:50:33
【Spec Ops: The Line】 Geneva Convention has left the chat📘 - Nious Heiramond 【Part 2】 8EAurBB6rLU 2:43:31
【ASMR Talking】Binaural Monday Relaxation📘 - Nious Heiramond xwGBA4sr8EI 2:09:40
Nious's Bravest Reaction to Jumpscares y5v5cfYPdXg
【It Steals】Adrenaline Prevails Over Heart Attack!!!📘 - Nious Heiramond ZANzHIWnKZo 2:55:29
【Literary ASMR】Just a fever dream📘 - Nious Heiramond K8M2o5xEfxg 0:51:29
【Spec Ops: The Line】I'd rather call it Expandable Expenses ;)📘 - Nious Heiramond PmuW1DUcRa0 3:41:47
【Resident Evil 4: Remake】Yeah yeah power power bla bla bla...📘 - Nious Heiramond 【Part 10】 S1Ot2C1Gtkw 3:20:53
【Just Chatting】Back from the depths of Vacation!📘 - Nious Heiramond hwXwUYIEqwM 3:30:59
【Titanfall 2 Master Difficulty Playthrough】I dOn'T HaVe A LiCeNsE 📘 - Nious Heiramond EleNHieUQXU 5:31:22
【Resident Evil 4: Remake】It's inevitable, but I just hope it isn't...📘 - Nious Heiramond 【Part 9】 mdiio3H0Qj0 4:06:41
【Just Chatting】Getting ready for the next round!📘 - Nious Heiramond d5q4AOukZG4 3:01:43
【Deppart Prototype/The Ghost Train 幽靈列車】The Terrified, The Horrendous, and Nious📘 - Nious Heiramond IlikOjRqzvA 3:56:21
【Literary ASMR】Serenity Before Slumber📘 - Nious Heiramond DqqCCx0ptX4 2:14:46
【Resident Evil 4: Remake】Who needs this big of a castle???📘 - Nious Heiramond 【Part 8】 mPVcYU6EiFY 3:58:59
【Just Chatting】Hindsight After A Storm📘 - Nious Heiramond kWJM8dljT4I 3:29:45
【It Steals & Stigmatized Property 事故物件】Bring it On!!! But Gently please...📘 - Nious Heiramond zu2mGi17AN4 2:59:45
【ASMR Story】Survival Journal of Neo Hagnis📘 - Nious Heiramond ORYQOqBWczU 0:48:29
【Collab / The Raft】Too late to say I can't swim?📘 - Nious Heiramond VPfAqRDjy2U 5:05:54
【Resident Evil 4: Remake】It's like I never left!📘 - Nious Heiramond 【Part 7】 cpow32Hqgmg 4:01:03
【Just Chatting】Work is nothing if you never worked!📘 - Nious Heiramond tTHuFhXqI94 4:05:19
【Literature ASMR】An Eventual Meeting in Our Dream📘 - Nious Heiramond gvdghCvOsIs 1:51:31
【Getting Over It】Finally getting over it, literally📘 - Nious Heiramond yPZYfGjuUZ0 2:45:35
【It Steals & Slenderman】Nious VS 2 Horror Games📘 - Nious Heiramond rTHxgdeAk-Y 3:26:10
【Just Chatting Collab!】Trying not to implode while chatting w/ Krowko📘 - Nious Heiramond TU5MP9PQYZ0 4:06:11
【BIRTHDAY! & ANNOUCEMENT!】Celebrating birthday by burning down an entire kitchen!📘 - Nious Heiramond O1lm5FphPPY 4:05:18
【Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes】No NO NOT THAT WIRE📘 - Nious Heiramond 【ALTYR Collab】 nH4SHuWiGto 2:11:51
【Just Chatting】Tidying up the mess for more mess!📘 - Nious Heiramond I235H07KsCc 3:56:27
【The Closing Shift | 閉店事件】No we don't sell sausages here!📘 - Nious Heiramond qDG_dtx5j-8 3:07:16
【Resident Evil 4: Remake】 Leon Versus Small Tim- I mean Lord Saddler📘 - Nious Heiramond 【Part 6】 RE-LROkEeS0 4:22:23
【MV】Villain ヴィラン - Nious Heiramond 【Song Cover】 hrhiT0i1mp0 0:04:20
【Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy】Swear = Hot Sauce & Burning Buttock📘 - Nious Heiramond pmNEUxY003o 6:14:36
【Stream Essay】One Last Talk about The Last of Us📘 - Nious Heiramond 7zb06Le5g4s 2:24:09
【Resident Evil 4: Remake】He's right behind me, isn't he?📘 - Nious Heiramond 【Part 5】 NtFKEY5kWzs 3:12:05
【Just Chatting】I survived!📘 - Nious Heiramond TQyt6hfAv7M 2:41:14
【Stanley Parable】Just another day at the office📘 - Nious Heiramond lEzcJenx_NU 3:21:07
【Resident Evil 4: Remake】 SaLazAr, YoU'rE GoInInG DoWn📘 - Nious Heiramond 【Part 4】 ld_RwCJ5jiQ 3:19:32
【Just Chatting】With a small sprinkle of ka...📘 - Nious Heiramond nGq4frM-qEo 2:23:05
【SCP】 Fight...or Flight? SCP Edition📘 - ALTYR Nious Heiramond EK4O1SmHZLQ 2:13:16
【Resident Evil 4: Remake】 Should've brought more cultists!📘 - Nious Heiramond 【Part 3】 -qSBAHGySgI 3:28:24
【ASMR for Sleep】Fell asleep last time, continue?📘 - ALTYR Nious Heiramond icNK3YvI3KI 1:12:57
【Uncut VOD】 Noirs, April Fools ALTYR-Ego Debut!📘 - Nious Heiramond VxTx8r8LfUc
【Resident Evil 4: Remake】I'm busy breaking private properties📘 - ALTYR Nious Heiramond 【Part 2】 tjFwx22FLeY 3:08:18
【Resident Evil 4: Remake】Come for Ashley, Stayed for Leon.📘 - ALTYR Nious Heiramond 【Part 1】 OSK3MggDeyE 3:11:54
【Not The Last Of Us Part 1】Crying Over Optimization📘 - ALTYR Nious Heiramond 【Part 1】 bxuBgn5nRQg 1:57:17
【Free Chat】 Had a good ham sandwich today, how 'bout you?📘 - ALTYR Nious Heiramond fUyBDmypp54 2:35:13
【Amnesia: The Dark Descent】 What is that sound?📘 - ALTYR Nious Heiramond cNQaT8Mt0M0 6:32:15
【ASMR】 Long Day, how about a story or two before bed? 📘 - ALTYR Nious Heiramond biEeO4-spjk 1:11:18
【DEBUT II? & Chatting】The Missing Chapters? 📘 - ALTYR Nious Heiramond wUEDyTIqUwg 1:52:38
Nious Heiramond - Full Story Short o7wOtyJ3wu4 0:05:06
【DEBUT STREAM】 Beginning of a New Chapter 📘 - ALTYR Nious Heiramond gTKgsxqMrG4 0:58:53