link title id published scheduled started ended duration
【Raft】 Gotta make some armor rR8T9VXOPf0 3:39:36
【Pencil Drawing】 My skills are rusty shh btFiQfesQkE 3:24:52
【A Game About Digging A Hole】 Oh what's this hole doing here? nQKhGulDmfc 3:52:06
【Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & The Secret Hideout】 True journey to alchemy commences LRRvUxLTbSM 3:18:05
【Marvel Rivals/Helldivers 2】 For Super Earth! Dlhb-3isBWM 5:16:37
【7 Days to Die】 Let's find a crucible for the Barmaido HJ3fQ5q5Qik 3:38:48
【Raft】 BEAR?! Where is it? ydsKimRO_hY 4:44:51
【Monster Hunter Wilds】 Hi, Gemma! How you doin'? kbSN9gOyHSQ 3:42:14
【Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town】 Kai is my boo ehehe RH-ri3Mc0Sk 3:20:32
【Monster Hunter Wilds】 MONSTERS, KILLING VS CAPTURING zGKKoCW_Xbc 3:11:42
【7 Days to Die】 Has the Lazy Barmaido made a base yet? Q68ga-3253w 4:00:12
【Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree】 So DLC first before the rest right? 5grm28CwrOQ 3:01:47
【Raft】 FINALLY! More story timeeeeee! Nt5kq9O_CPM 4:04:24
【Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & The Secret Hideout】 Getting isekai'd to another anime world GvnXpnZh0_Q 3:10:49
【Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town】 Relaxing after a rough job hunt lol MXP-R3QErQI 3:12:56
【Get To Work】 Applying for a job now, huh.. 7nBcmRjD_-Y 3:03:24
【Raft】 Time to fix this fugly raft Dsrf112stgE 3:37:52
【Monster Hunter: Wilds Beta Test】 Let's see if it runs good vSkQlKwLNyc 3:06:55
【Happy Valentine's!】 Would you accept these chocolates as a token of my love? EyVId4qL2Js 4:06:26
【7 Days to Die】 Time to hunt for books for the Barmaido! tA94jEeo3Sk 3:04:43
【Enshrouded】 Uhmm who are these evil elves around me? 4Esb1dqNyis 3:21:28
【Dragon Age: Origins】 Have mercy on the birds, Shale 3bnAUcx8n8s 3:35:41
【Elden Ring】 Let's try this again, Fire Giant -JLzev2ZN78 3:39:44
【Drawing】 What abomination will we draw today? HMM Part 2 hcHhC-qfAf0 3:29:54
【Dragon Age: Origins】 In peace, vigilance. In war, victory. In death, sacrifice. MykGQaDQjnI 3:37:24
【Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy】 And the rage is back... Rtd_4tflx4g 3:38:14
【Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town】 Time for some relaxation dWwhx5vb_GY 3:22:28
【Raft】 Who's starving? Not me! 4T1yHsHUqz4 3:16:02
【7 Days to Die】 The elves left me to fend for myself... AGAIN AgJXMCpPhmU 4:15:08
【Enshrouded】 Oh much adventure awaits! AnnQz5c8IzQ 3:38:58
【Drawing】 What abomination will we draw today? HMM zWN9_j3OkFk 3:16:38
【Dragon Age: Origins】 Shale is such a cutie patootie AW3rfRK4TEE 3:36:56
【Elden Ring】 Where were we? T6_WBk_vlqw 3:55:29
【Dragon Age: Origins】 So next target is Circle of Magi, right? 27k6ADgoq3o 3:11:57
【Dragon Age: Origins】 Who's zooming? roaQ06Bbenc 4:01:31
【7 Days to Die】 Helping the barmaido out hehe XrMRvE1PFSo 3:25:39
【Enshrouded】 Continuing on and on s7RGxJ78suY 3:29:25
【Marvel Rivals/Pummel Party】 w/ MEMBERS Time to draw the first lucky winner u3BvzqF8Pqo 4:21:36
【Enshrouded】 Onto our new adventure QXAtSAz0qtI 3:27:13
【Apex Legends】 Bang bang 1bkPTZIPwaI 3:23:52
【Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town】 Great day to be wholesome VGfq9qkgWOM 3:11:29
【Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town】 Great day to be wholesome 2RPYwGkbaJY 0:07:50
【7 Days to Die】 First week's horde night 6EboolGzCoU 4:12:03
【Dragon Age: Origins】 First playthrough for anyone who will ask lol Fge_ar30PPg 4:24:15
【Liar's Bar】 Going in blind 45TAv_i-mq4 3:06:51
【Marvel Rivals】 Duty calls CjxyYpKdBRg 3:07:22
【Elden Ring】 Where to next? dGnLYM2AXTM 4:00:44
【Barista Simulator】 Would you like some whipped cream with that? 1HZSgOHoYn0 4:25:37
【7 Days to Die】 Sneaking into the Dark Elf's server nfGRGBP166E 3:32:16
【Elden Ring】 Where is Mimic Tear AAAAHHHH hWJ4mmq2Xq8 3:18:56
【Crash Bandicoot】 First rage quit of the year? 7_bAilOTOIw 3:07:59
【7 Days to Die】 Horde? HORDE?! FtzdEIMk_BQ 3:28:33
【Crab Game】 Start the new year with all of my lovely dearests fbu7gnIcSMQ 3:02:06
【7 Days to Die】 Trying to survive alone tonight sg949IieD4A 4:23:28
【7 Days to Die】 You're the mommy today 7e0Qpox6boA 3:27:29
【Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town】 Reconnecting with nature! TxxIHPqU4Fs 2:02:11
【Warhammer 40,000: Darktide】 Pew pew pew s4uM_pCULbM 3:08:37
【Helldivers 2】 W/ MEMBERS Upgraded gear for managed democracy! uH1fGZrfgkg 3:54:40
【Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy】 On to the next one! x8YWpCm1Y18 3:07:00
【Marvel Rivals】 We've recruited a new hero YmFkSIewewM 3:10:57
【Members Only】 Let's build some surprise MS_eQWjhyso 3:48:14
【Crash Bandicoot】 Hop hop little bandicoot ObjPLG1yyIU 3:31:38
【Elden Ring】 Exploring Nokron u7YA_O8xAXw 3:06:46
【Warhammer: Vermintide 2 Versus】 Padoru padoruuuu! W/ Members ZyL3bDxhZPk 3:17:01
【Marvel Rivals】 A Superhero's duty never stops qBhq3na4Ef4 2:21:15
【UNCHARTED: Legacy of Thieves】 Sneaky sneaky~ 5sbNXM5xTbE 3:39:53
【Paint The Town Red】Red is the new Green? BJmKDt-a_iQ 3:01:37
【Void Crew】 We recruited the Dark Elf F2uZPfWAAtc 3:18:56
【Elden Ring】 Where is Starscourge Radahn? j0YHimWKTh0 3:41:32
【AI: The Somnium Files - nirvanA Initiative/Grim Fandango】 Is this the secret ending? fMQ0taOLQUs 3:32:46
【Void Crew】 Where did we get teleported to? gpBYGdJrheo 3:07:36
【DONATHON Building Stream】 Advance Happy Birthday to me? tD9z7vOClH0 3:13:39
【AI: The Somnium Files - nirvanA Initiative】 What are these timelines?! hcXW9hkaDIA 4:53:04
【UNCHARTED: Legacy of Thieves】 Watch out for that tree! LWGQzc53J0Y 3:26:57
【SUBATHON Karaoke】 Happy 2nd Anniversary, my dearests! J8Yu6DJer2k
【Grim Fandango】 Orc smart? uqcKW9hFfy8 3:40:48
【AI: The Sonium Files - nirvanA Initiative】 Something is not right with Ryuki n-bYFpJZ8gM 3:45:41
【Members Only】 Happy Thanksgiving! euuNMIT_RXU 3:09:04
【UNCHARTED: Legacy of Thieves】 I'll snatch you right up like the treasure you are lDy4OfSmgPM 3:12:45
【Buckshot Roulette】Bang! BANG! 0bY7JNOIh3M 3:02:18
【Grim Fandango】 We need to be smarter wkooiuZxLD4 3:07:43
【AI: Somnium Files - nirvanA Initiative】 Let's go, Mizuki! yjxD7EOAjEg 4:01:21
Kaylex the Mortuary Assistant L-Gqbu47k8Q
【Elden Ring】 Hunting for the medallions 3d5tzTmban4 3:22:37
【Forewarned】 Unproductive and all Cvbe1AsnGtE 1:58:53
【DRAGON BALL: Sparking! Zero】 5TtC0LWzl1M
【Forewarned】 We'll banish them, right? Right? 8XgLAmjExd8 3:49:17
【Grim Fandango】 Woah! Where Am I? Ap5aG0_ceeI 4:02:10
【DRAGON BALL: Sparking! Zero】 When did I become a Super Saiyan? jIF8U2zb0_g 3:26:57
【AI: The Somnium Files - nirvanA Initiative】 And the plot thickens.. -px74g3XrQY 3:13:05
【Bread & Fred】 I'm the wedge between MWAHAHA wXyfs18vXg4 3:04:51
【Crash Bandicoot】 You thought I quit? wDmjDAQKLDY 3:09:01
【MEMBERS GAMEPLAY】 This has become a variety show huh iKkUcBgUM2k 7:06:26
【Shipwrecked 64】 We still need to save our friends! 1p-NZwUS8o0 3:30:43
【Ai: Somnium Files - nirvanA Initiative】 Tama, my darling, did you miss me? QUM5SbAfHPc 4:31:02
【Deadlock】 As accurate as you can get U0Cw-N9r-u0 3:43:57
【Resident Evil 6】 Oh Sherry, sweet Sherry i3H9q2Dn5AU 3:09:23
【DRAGON BALL: Sparking! Zero】 Break the Heavens Oqu1LaEh8is 3:08:30
【Elden Ring】 Time for a beta test! (Beta Ended right when stream started lol) Zlphnfj_j9c 3:48:25
【Pseudoregalia】 Transporting to a new world siUXEM81zoE 3:02:30
【Mortuary Assistant】 No turning back now... kq5pQREP2KA 3:43:39
【Shipwrecked 64】 Boo! Surprised ya, didn't I? yYLBx3WIfGs 3:39:58
【Resident Evil 6】 Sherry needs me pirnxo0KY0I 3:18:55
Looking for a good scream? #gaming #vtuberclips p-W-ZXKHt4c
【Phasmophobia】 Save me dLVhdUou3bI 3:39:46
【Event Horizon】 3k Sub Watchalong! 7SWNt6lVOOk 3:01:41
【Escape the Backrooms】 Ah here we go again IiL_JunJdbs 3:32:01
【Warhammer 40,000】 Learn Warhammer 40k with me T1dToC4dEsE 3:11:04
【Warhammer 40000: Shootas, Blood, & Teef】 Diz gitz are heavy tpeHO3lVads 3:24:13
Be my mommy 6RNOOXSR1tw
【AI: The Somnium Files - nirvanA Initiative】What mystery do we have now? Hu-GNRpU1X4 3:43:08
【Warhammer 40000: Darktide】Dakka? Dakka. bC-qLvsk-4c 3:16:57
【Warhammer 40,000: Speed Freeks】 Diz groggin' Eldars tryin' to copy me? O50PHhh4wi8 3:05:57
【Forewarned】 Help me... LtaYsZy-8s0 3:09:25
【Miniature Painting】 We'ze gotta get dem orkz sum proppa gear w6fyc8L6o-k 3:28:56
【Escape the Backrooms】 Where is that exit?! zUkdGT0TCc4 3:08:15
【Elden Ring】 Two down, more to go 3zN1TQ5quKE 3:17:38
【Ai: Somnium Files - nirvanA Initiative】 Can we get a Mizuki and Tama team-up? 5weihM2bZxM 3:02:56
【Star Wars: Force Unleashed】 The pickle force shall win this battle 3q091Nn_KHg 3:03:07
【Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2】 MEMBERS Gameplay Pt.2 - FOR THE EMPEROR!!! F5TTAUGXEes 2:26:40
【Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2】 MEMBERS Gameplay Pt.1 - KAMEHAMEHAAAAAA oEhipN94TOA 2:02:14
【Resident Evil 6】 Elaynaboob-boo needs our rescue 5kwsUNRz_nE 3:05:05
【Elden Ring】 For you are maidenless, Tarnished One I-ntubscSio 3:34:17
【Warhammer 40,000: Speed Freeks】 Wiv groggin' got it now tlJXjNMfE4A 3:15:59
【The Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe】 What is this now? adcwbKLw_FM 3:16:56
【Content Warning】 Chaos is our middle name cGbJLf02t_k
【Elden Ring】 I guess this is my life now Q5ZQeiALeXc 3:23:18
【AI: The Sonium Files - nirvanA Initiative】 Just keep swimming~ Vg7035B45R8 3:16:56
【Star Wars: Force Unleashed】 Your favorite Orc Vader has returned ytDC219nHlQ 3:18:14
【AI: Somnium Files - nirvanA Initiative】 Oh I've missed you, my waifu Tama HTBf38wb9mg 3:24:52
【Elden Ring】 Invade the dark elf @AshaDawn b5RP0SfDjEo 3:36:46
The pure innocence of a half-orc #gaming #somniumfiles #futuramamoments #vtuber yx7htYaQ0a8
【Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2】 What faction are you in? uxBPsEV-3F8 3:17:26
【Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions】 Are we ready for PvP? mKudtwBePdE 3:07:10
【Styx: Shards of Darkness】 Sneaky in the memory? bOdzScwTZOU 3:30:33
【Elden Ring】 Where were we on the story? ADfcjV8bKdc 3:32:27
【AI: The Somnium Files - nirvanA Initiative】 Mizuki, you've grown! 62jlc2_g7Yo 3:10:24
Be one with the Dark Side #starwarsforceunleashed #starwars #darthvader #rizz #vtuber #gaming imM0AlhIc-8
【Miniature Building】 Gotta build more orkz and squiggies awooi-nfKEI 3:04:25
【Styx: Shards of Darkness】 Evolving into a goblin, are we? JORaPrqSHl8 3:15:56
【Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2】 Lieutenant Titus is acting strange... ycBPUYGkH1s 3:36:53
【Ale & Tale Tavern】 Huh? A stream? Wha? iLYzSm9YVdc 1:30:14
Be one with the Dark Side #starwarsforceunleashed #starwars #darthvader #rizz p4p1dcFgGA4
【Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2】 Jet pack time? YEEEEES Ioug722qRUo 3:12:24
【Ale & Tale Tavern】 Barmaido is now boss?! 2XR-YSUsWpI 3:15:35
【Resident Evil 6】 Pull yourself together, Piers p-LXn7ySk5o 3:00:08
【AI: The Somnium Files】 Season 1 Finale? wNMJCv56sE4 4:14:35
【Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions】 We'll have to get sorted first ZuFVUHhkptg 3:20:33
【Elden Ring】 Even the gods cannot escape their own destiny w/ @ElaynaDuskfell smpRgO1tWb8 3:08:35
【Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2】 Cleanse, Purge, KILL! 0tc0ggyFe3o 3:41:29
【Warhammer 40,000: Darktide】 Castorlings, rise! Time to protect the Emperor! 8WfDkc5vfzQ 4:08:37
【Resident Evil 6】 Two WONGS don't make a right so just hand her over! yE2P3XIISRo 3:12:15
【Left 4 Dead】 Zombies again?! MzYvkSZVl8A 2:01:31
【Elden Ring】 A new tour guide?! @ElaynaDuskfell InvLthYvdks 3:48:12
Orc's mighty Elden Ring adventure #eldenring #vtuber #envtuber mAr6l-n5tFA
【World War Z】 Eat them, not me! Tj28ULLJtGY 3:29:54
【Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy】 Ah yes, my nemesis... Platforming NKJ0zBZfybc 3:09:25
【Star Wars: The Force Unleashed】 If I let him live, he'll haunt me forever WP9qCB_do-o 3:12:27
【AI: The Somnium Files】 Will we reach the end? WOrhDY1xPdw 4:27:21
【Warhammer 40k Miniature Painting】 Mozrog Skragbad gets some bling bling colors oQqcZNUfkYQ 3:01:26
【World War Z】 Sometimes we need a reminder of just how resilient we can be I5J9gzjzyw4 3:15:37
【Elden Ring】 Death, become my blade once more f9IuyPkwxmw 4:05:35
【Street Fighter 6】 Attack me if you dare, I will crush you! 7L-9AtOmpYg 3:51:26
【Star Wars: Force Unleashed】 We need a flag to rally behind CYCF_V-hywE 3:06:01
【Crash Bandicoot】 But Dr. Cortex, the Vortex is not ready! cvw0LbJEeo0 3:07:49
【Elden Ring】 The Elden Ring’s light shines brightest in the darkest of nights lWe9ff2n-IU 3:50:33
【Warhammer 40,000: Darktide】 Av got me lot's ov DAKKAAAAAA EO21qNnJq2I 3:10:18
【Resident Evil 6】 I'll put on a brave face today 7mLukiAnXW4 3:04:40
【Palworld】 Cherry Blossom biome let's go! 3dhRydopWcs 3:05:58
【Helldivers 2】 Orc joining forces with Dark Eldars?! 9AxZRzSiz48 3:15:06
【Warhammer 40,000】 WAAAAAAAGH?! 2.5K Sub Celebration! rbOyzDutjFY 4:19:09
【Resident Evil 6】 Carry me to safety, @ElaynaDuskfell 0E7aJERiqnI 3:18:37
【AI: The Somnium Files】 What awaits us in the crazy world of Date aDgpNfb9avM 3:01:40
【Content Warning】 Streaming a streaming game? Streamceptionnn zRmEelgyNw0 3:13:07
【Dead by Daylight】 The 8v2 event got extended! w/ MEMBERS IuUGcs61SDo 3:19:51
【Conan Exiles】 A new world to conquer then glqLo4Uv8_8 3:17:27
【Dark Souls 3】FINALE: Searching for Darkeater Midir zi9KquulJGM 3:12:59
【Dark Souls 3】 You are mine now, Friede _iLBCrIEvDY 3:37:04
【Helldivers 2】 Squishy bug time? w/ @AshaDawn and @ElaynaDuskfell MqMBhbf2ZOE 3:16:11
【AI: The Somnium Files】 So... Are you alive or nah? jnOJukzh-rQ 3:12:29
The relaxing world of Dark Souls #legionfantasy #gaming #orcvtuber 7aTmMB79UII
【Goat Simulator 3】 Boy, that Goat sure can Goat! 9NI2ygjRQjY 3:06:26
【Resident Evil 6】 We're beyond sympathy at this point. We're beyond humanity. 7iWCT1ICMXg 3:05:59
【AI: The Somnium Files】 Now, let's do this again LUx54zlaFbk 3:30:40
【AI: The Somnium Files】 Ota-kun save me JDWOid56K8w 0:48:59
【Miniature Building】 Beast Snagga Stampede have arrived QcQ3zmnM5fc 3:12:10
【Chained Together】 Bunny girl got chained [VERTICAL STREAM] QBY31pUxVMw 3:48:02
【Palworld】 Hey, what's new? -hI8x8sedF8 3:24:52
【Dead by Daylight】 There is an event? Rh1iTSDugB4 3:19:51
Just an ordinary Souls game #gaming #legionfantasy #soulslike #darksoulsremastered #jumpscare uvwiXCOT5_E
【Helldivers 2】 Wreaking havoc is our specialty nGbULYBpDdA 3:30:49
【AI: The Somnium Files】 Detective Kaylex is on the case! V8lo7oxdz_4 3:08:22
【Crime Boss: Rockay City】 Same minds think alike ak23QcqDkPM 3:40:47
【Dragon's Dogma 2】 I am stronk MqTzX63_jaM 3:05:23
【Remnant 2】 FINALE: Time to carry these heavy ASSET 20ey9DcQiLc 4:49:18
【AI: The Somnium Files】 Math, science, history, unraveling the mysteries 14DWpFGagdw 3:48:15
【Mass Effect 2】 I am your captain for today 27HTUL01mOM 3:41:58
【Dragon's Dogma 2】 I am the Arisen...? nq_dymQmtnE 3:21:10
【Dead by Daylight】 Take the other Legion girls, spare me! B1rHI28hYsc 3:06:17
【Halo: The Master Chief Collection】 Since I'm not joining the actual birthday... 6Y0MqV0bIzw 3:22:54
【Dark Souls 3】 Sister Friede, please, go back to your slumber 7oxv4wuIIJ8 3:12:41
【Chained Together】 Oh there's something different... qPXStyCASiA 3:02:19
【Dragon's Dogma 2】 I am Kaylex Skullcastor, mother of dragons YLjWENQPsGQ 3:45:43
【Chained Together】 A true test of friendship(?) T6okvm4-VSY 3:09:04
【Members Only】 Let's continue that harem drawing kFZ7WEmK1To 3:14:20
【Resident Evil 5】 is this the finale? 7qnNvACINus 3:20:48
【Dark Souls 3 DLC】 Oh, Sister Friede, have mercy on my soul KUOjLyh6zf0 3:17:34
【Crime Boss: Rockay City】 Your loot goblins are present yZkYyqoLM8U 3:10:10
【Warhammer 40,000: Darktide】 Yuz gits just needs more dakka ZGZe-CJXF-M 3:17:37
【Unarchived Karaoke】 Let me sing you some lullabies, darlings k-RRAsgoxgs
【AI: The Somnium Files】 What unhinged story do we have today? AmnLI6D1QWQ 3:03:27
【Mass Effect 2】 Jack didn't rest, she was frozen QDwB4il0VPg 3:09:52
【Halo Inifinite/Crab Game】 w/ MEMBERS Castorlings VS Mugsters heh w/ @ElaynaDuskfell qeRKHhQrras 3:33:34
【Helldivers 2】 Never fear, Legion Chaos is here! k1yp5rq_LIc 3:26:38
【Mass Effect 2】 We're going on a trip in our favorite rocketship MXvMLQ8_oAA 3:23:54
【Drawing Stream】 I need a muse 0FliFnDsaXQ 3:01:07
【Payday 3】 Give me all your drachma! 1BAIuHyp0Hc 3:16:33
【Resident Evil 5】 The Amazing Gorgeous Duo is back at it again a_0UV857qow 3:28:06
【Dark Souls 3 DLC】 Surprise surprise! Heh Oe5FkYwiUus 3:21:47
【AI: Somnium Files】 Me needs big brain NIL8z8EhjPg 3:30:14
【Lethal Company】 Screamfest here we gooooo Hvm-no3OdoU 3:54:09
【Mass Effect 2】 Salvation comes with a cost _V6rKezo24k 3:02:48
【Valheim】 We're all lost here... mR8Q-Fw2FBc 3:16:40
【Dark Souls 3】 Ashen One, be sure to bring me more souls OWW9ByZL8zc 3:11:43
【Warhammer 40,000: Darktide】 A new campaign, you say? U6cAikP54Ms 3:11:28
【Tales of Arise】 Move forth to Lenegis! CBLiSLTbIQ8 3:11:35
【Granblue Fantasy: Relink/Dragon's Dogma 2】 FINALE: What have you done to Id, Lilith? 7eDSIZnc2g8 3:09:24
【Resident Evil 5】 Luck has nothing to do with this w/ @ElaynaDuskfell 5d39pFaf8C0 3:44:19
【Miniature Painting】 OrcBoss gets some swag V-AfTqRt0ZQ 3:45:56
【Warhammer 40,000: Darktide】 Cowards die in shame wOuSGmfrn7g 3:28:29
【Styx: Shards of Darkness】 Finally continuing the story uzqN-HAonj0 3:40:18
【Grounded】 Sting me like a bumblebee WoRaWOvNnwI 3:30:01
【Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes】 Let's recruit more! dXELIj6MU48 3:03:41
【Granblue Fantasy: Relink】 Take me instead, Lilith rO4kAURb5iQ 3:30:16
【Minecraft】 What happened... uSLCXoyKvCA 3:08:24
【Resident Evil 5】 Romeo, I mean Miguelito, save meeee~ 2Hx-RdDVqsg 3:33:24
【Little Witch in the Woods/Helldivers 2】 We can relax, hopefully WAPPa4BDni8 3:50:16
【Dark Souls 3】 Blah blah blah MAGIC! usc7rUfh1PA 3:58:54
【Tales of Arise】 Let's focus on love now AxdNdVYdKlY 4:15:39
【Grounded】 What's this? vx9HgU_6KWQ 3:03:33
【Helldivers 2】 My Castorlings will carry me to victory!!! or death... zMQ6TyV9ra4 3:48:14
【Granblue Fantasy: Relink】 Continuing our search for Estalucia OlEAG_EFyFc 3:07:38
【Remnant 2】 Only the strong survive QMd52lRzHfo 3:19:44
【The Quarry】 I'm not delulu w/ @ElaynaDuskfell roDJUcqjHpU 3:20:34
【Bunny Garden】 These are some weird looking bunnies, I tell ya WH8QhKHXQU0 3:18:05
【Tales of Arise】 Alphen, the middle-part MC great grandpa vWPFgg-j4pw 3:39:04
【Granblue Fantasy: Relink】 Where my White-haired Dza- I mean villain at? 2K0F2sn-PhU 4:03:25
【The Quarry】 Pop pop, Peanut Butter Pops!~ wCIFykR7ors 3:29:05
【The Quarry】 Another horror with the fearless barmaido @ElaynaDuskfell kMK3Ol7dmaM 4:23:12
【Dark Souls 3】 Nameless King, fight me~ hmp QZ4Y1P4XdP8 4:00:22
【Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes】 Isekai me to the chibi world! V1lEzP8h8oQ 3:23:25
【Dark Souls 3】 Take nourishment from these sovereignless souls YremoqdcDjU 3:46:11
【Helldivers 2】 Look who came out to play w/ @ElaynaDuskfell Fn8Q6q9JEDQ 3:25:01
【Remnant 2】 Open your eyes, look up to the skies and see PGGl33kRemg 3:51:34
【Grounded】 A whole new woooooorld~ uFIsxjTVWOM 3:09:57
【Miniature Assembly】 There's a first for everything, truly gDdePXjjmmY 3:07:21
【Members Stream】 Bunny go boing boing? WGut7NobiUs 3:06:20
【Granblue Fantasy: Relink】 Heaven is eternal, earth is enduring. vGhiueQah2c 3:42:11
【Tales of Arise】 Are we at least halfway through the story? ExuD3_5ZaHo 3:36:48
【Tales of Arise】 I will avenge them and you shall be punished, Almeidrea 5RtN-HoS2Q8 3:29:59
【Warhammer 40,000: Darktide】 We will not fail you, Emperor oRrI8XATQ0I 4:08:25
【Dark Souls 3】 Don't devour me, Aldritch Fm_gU7w4VVs 3:14:12
【Getting Over It】 Where can I buy patience? VERTICAL STREAM aZcCUwI_NrY 3:01:47
【Tales of Arise】 Couldn't sleep... EoU9MKIwzxI 1:49:56
【Tales of Arise】 Will we meet again, Mysterious Emo Knight? c19o2fQ8XS4 3:21:44
【Helldivers 2】 w/ MEMBERS Say hello to DEMOCRACY! ONRGzCFry60 3:08:36
【Palworld】 Let's see what you got, Bellanoir 8WFJ4BdKFVU 3:21:09
【Tales of Arise】 Why choose if we can have both? GrPtwSpaqBA 3:11:24
【Dark Souls 3】 Gorgeous view ahead? 2y2umHh0npU 3:35:20
【Tales of Arise】 Da- I mean dad- I mean.. Dohalim UihAt7Wji2A 3:15:37
【Helldivers 2】 Super Earth needs freedooooom w/ @AshaDawn & @ElaynaDuskfell 3JUo5oYSkCM 3:12:06
【Helldivers 2】 Bug? GIANT BUGS? i4ktR9-DkO4 3:18:42
【Dark Souls 3】 High Lord Wolnir... Yay, another undead boss... 0DgEdy4QUkg 3:01:14
【Tales of Arise】 Eenie, meenie, miney, mo, lova~ F9B-7tavz0o 3:21:34
【NieR Replicant】 I Didn't Get Much Sleep That Night... Al40niiY4Ds 3:53:59
【Stardew Valley】 Farming? How do that? GKITzXFzQ0c 1:39:09
【Palworld】 Home decor time! O7yCK0eGrtA 3:19:49
【Dragonball Xenoverse 2】 What's that? Sleep? What is that? w/ @AshaDawn SRxxn_vtoQw 1:29:26
【Baldur's Gate 3】 I Am So Much More Than What You Made Me CzdEkgUJAv0 3:17:31
【Dark Souls 3】 My first Lord of Cinder, you say? uNHGIYus5rQ 3:14:06
【Origami Stream】 How do we get gentle hands... I5MsLJblmQs 3:46:41
【Tales of Arise】 Oh? A stream? Yes IU-cNbs1hoU 3:26:15
【Dead by Daylight】 Unlimited screams for everyone! w/ @AshaDawn KwT8cteCb6E 4:32:49
【Dark Souls 3】 What's next in the boss list? zpIBc9H0ksc 3:56:53
【Cult of the Lamb】 How are my followers, hm? IRcxUVeTSvA 3:18:45
【Baldur's Gate 3】 The barbarian wants to rage-quit in real life xAB6o6loDsk 3:39:56
【Dark Souls 3】 Will I find the Deacons of the Deep? 46ET0z1nNfE 3:37:15
【Tales of Arise】 The cold never bothered anyway mLBrUPjPoNE 4:22:35
【Cult of the Lamb】 Let's unlock marriage UC4jKvrmc3c 3:00:56
【Dragonball Xenoverse 2】 Death is simply another stage of our life 3jDyEIvC8CQ 2:06:13
【Dark Souls 3】 Sleep well, Onion Bro Eri3QqgEbpY 3:22:40
【Dragonball Xenoverse 2】 w/ Members: A legend; you shall never be forgotten PMG4gS3NhVU 3:50:35
【Cult of the Lamb】 Blind obedience to a higher power will not end well for you 69oO8FIPYUw 3:10:43
【Palworld】 To unite all peoples within our nation cstyRcDqAxQ 3:17:35
【The Finals】 Another ratatatat F2BE5Mb8MeE 3:29:55
【Lethal Company】 We were lazy so we changed ehehe jiCSa4S8ecw 4:13:17
【Tales of Arise】 I shall see no more of you, BALSeph DmghHrkTb8U 3:37:56
【Cult of the Lamb】 GOOD TO BE BACK aIk2dpc_L_Q 3:43:55
【Palworld】 It's been so long, wonder how my Pals are S8TRc2-YrLo 4:26:56
【Lethal Company】 Stronger than a hundred men, ha M4YXE9RmUk0 3:45:24
【Dark Souls 3】 You should really clean up your house, Elayna _QeS1d84kFk 3:30:54
【Tales of Arise】 Exploring new wonders r5ACflG9DYM 3:53:51
【Katawa Shoujo】 Maybe we can romance one now rNQBOUPXiAk 3:08:12
【Dark Souls 3】 Where is Solaire when you need him xjNrbmw0BNk 3:29:20
【Baldur's Gate 3】 Today is a good day to res w/ @AshaDawn @ElaynaDuskfell RxXssvK82Ig 4:26:44
【Darkness 2】 Back to being emo qbboGckRTCo 3:06:16
【Palworld】 YES! Work for me! L01M4rqoxUQ 3:40:55
【Members Stream】 I love you, have a cupcake oEY6ZFzAhHg 3:07:38
【Dragonball Xenoverse 2】 Going back to school xncdKy-E6wA 3:14:42
【Katawa Shoujo】 Be my Valentine or else... mZgkbhpriD0 3:17:55
【God of War】 FINALE: Enough of your sass, BOY ZByZAdke9g0 3:52:01
【Palworld】 You wanna be my sla- I mean guildmate...? RZ_aaRacYWs 3:16:33
【Palworld】 Raiding some bosses with brolymaido NSzAoH13EXo 3:21:28
【Dark Souls III】 I'm back in Dark Souls? zK5pGZ9Nx4s 3:30:35
【Team Fortress 2/Dragonball Xenoverse 2】 W/ MEMBERS: Bonding time with my Castorlings IYUqHI76uhg 3:33:34
【Palworld】 Feng shui on my base lol y2lnmxUnYjI 3:33:30
【Labyrinthine】 Save me... RtDBe3IMqcs 3:24:00
【Palworld】 Power, MORE POWER dqC1GwwoXtM 3:18:32
【God of War】 Surprise me, boy zdXzFzaacZs 2:30:05
【Baldur's Gate 3】 Do I dazzle you? VP3Vpkc162w 4:19:03
【Dragonball Xenoverse 2】 Saiyan Kaylex is here to fix the timeline zJyjS8TVaWg 3:01:08
【Palworld】 Boss hunting lezz goooo! 9rOoZoOafoQ 3:51:47
【Palworld】 Stay far away from fire pzpaALXZdIY 3:23:57
【Dragonball Xenoverse 2】 Time patrollers are the true heroes noF06-2fll4 3:08:09
【God of War】 Dad of Boy pAlx_R76zfY 3:01:21
【Remnant 2 & Brawlhalla】 w/ MEMBERS Lte's get ready to rumble! 3aNluQvMNRI 3:07:16
【Palworld】 Time to meet some Pals w/ @ElaynaDuskfell dIRf8pqHB0k 3:46:28
【The Coffin of Andy and Leyley】 Let's finish this! Xz-D9JdZ9lw 3:31:17
【Dark Souls Remastered】 FINALE: IS THIS FINALLY IT? 7IC8P7O0BLU 1:58:01
【Remnant II】 Surviving means being born over and over again 3yPuhYUIurU 3:42:03
【God of War】 BOY 7iDrGsDmDcs 3:16:07
【Dragonball Xenoverse】 Full on SUPER SAIYAN SN263mLFG_I 3:09:33
【The Darkness II】 Hello darkness, my old friend~ Ong0fCNRt4Q 3:25:32
【Dragonball Xenoverse 2】 WAAAAAAAAAAAAGH w/ @AshaDawn & @ElaynaDuskfell tjPpX9dQHfo 3:17:22
【Dark Souls Remastered】 Finale FINALE? (Not really...) 9aK-agZyEbc 3:35:46
【Monster Hunter Rise】 W/ MEMBERS Let's farm for bling F0Xz9vzodCM 3:06:34
【The Coffin of Andy and Leyley】 W-w-win...(sinful) cest?? _2ji067h0kY 3:02:44
【Lethal Company/Minecraft】 Time for more scavenging 4XQMV9IT9wc 3:41:52
【God of War】 To me, boy! Q_oPMgFyANw 3:30:13
【The Darkness II】 Pure visceral fun? MilWw74PqOE 2:24:06
【Remnant 2】 A riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma. w/ @AshaDawn and @ElaynaDuskfell P1qd2j63mL0 3:21:36
【Dark Souls Remastered】 Will we finish the game today? phAWk6Dp5Vo 3:25:45
【Horizon Zero Dawn】 We fight for honor bLoPbdVntHI 3:48:14
【Baldur's Gate 3】 What do we do now? w/ @ElaynaDuskfell @AshaDawn GT0rvagclmQ 3:37:17
【God of War】 Are you ready, boy? vAE-D2MWuNw 3:28:09
【The Coffin of Andy and Leyley】 One last sinful stream for the year VP19IArBapQ 3:21:23
【Jackbox Games】 W/ DISCORD Let's see who's the best iHMqihmP0Fo 3:40:20
【Minecraft】 It's my birthday! 3xWSEluFGag 3:19:29
【Halo Infinite】 Let's all play together IjH9sPBDqh8 3:16:37
【Watch Along】 Die Hard: A Christmas movie must-watch ya9KG_Q-Fko 3:02:06
Do you have a sweet tooth? osEcHTrFvZo 3:02:56
【Minecraft】 Let's build our own gingerbread house! 1Ma89WEMGmM 3:21:22
【Bokura】 Change of plans, once again lol k9BupCX6eZ8 3:28:02
【Halo Infinite/Gang Beasts】 PLAY W/ MEMBERS Happy 1st yr to us, Castorlings! xSKXpkLLlGc 3:08:07
【Tin Hearts】 Santa's toy factory is amazing! Gi9GL1WT3AQ 3:02:37
【Remnant 2】Survival mode at its finest w/ @AshaDawn & @ElaynaDuskfell J-20z9ScVBY 3:29:52
【Drawing Stream】 Caveman style! DKDIndDk_QE 3:05:43
【Warhammer 40,000: Darktide】 Defeating the Karnak Twins w/ @AshaDawn and @ElaynaDuskfell ZBw2_1sQsYs 3:09:29
【God of War】 I am Gigachad Dad 0_yDKP_BGgc 3:41:20
【Halo Infinite】 Bang bang into the roof UiZzVM_D4Pg 3:57:37
【Lies of P】 I have become a puppet once more 5atu4Vs2b-c 3:03:05
【Dark Souls Remastered】 Chief has returned to the land of suffering jLg1HJ_lhkE 3:14:25
【TMNT: Shredder's Revenge】 W/ MEMBERS Green going greener 1Lx2F-0gBmY 3:22:28
【Bokura】 You miss da mama? 57XEaYBPoRw 3:50:00
【Back4Blood】 Pew pew zombies _O-8mr20YAI 3:15:18
【Baldur's Gate 3】 Killing Mindflayers with the Dark Elf iATojntMvC8 3:29:13
【Minecraft】 Need more glowstones aYfomTxcpk4 3:11:30
【Warhammer 40,000: Dakka Squadron/Hotline Miami】 Iz time vor da final WAAAAAAAGH? U_6VRXe4kuw 3:12:57
【Minecraft】 Still no sign of Yobasha's internet XDgn2ST7Qt8 3:42:57
【Warhammer 40,000: Darktide】 W/ MEMBERS The Emperor's will prevails! W/ @ElaynaDuskfell yCoF0dBCgM0 3:38:57
【Warhammer 40,000: Dakka Squadron】 Yuz gits don't got nufin on me mW_DUUjtnsY 3:23:48
【Baldur's Gate 3】 Character creation for the whole stream? weWhQOQPTCM 3:17:33
【Minecraft】 Finishing up the village? Cm8qdDEzyI4 3:24:30
【Painting Stream】 Color me playful SG6UoMw8kVw 3:26:51
【Styx: Shards of Darkness】 Goblin time? 8sIA4W245pc 3:32:08
【The Texas Chain Saw Massacre/Deep Rock Galactic】 It FINALLY happened 8THQZjrhBEM 3:49:22
【Warhammer 40,000: Dakka Squadron】 We wuz maded for the winnin’! fL6V7xU2iDc 3:19:44
【Coffee Talk】 Here's a cup of coffee to cheer you up xFqCzDrinAM 3:12:11
【Minecraft】 Last minute changes are fun? c04sSQCTFpU 3:18:27
【Warhammer 40,000: Darktide】W/ MEMBERS: Castorlings will carry me Gv6807Z5Yiw 2:05:56
【Human Fall Flat】 Scaramouche, scaramouche! -E5qTCroGkE 4:11:47
【Minecraft】 A psycho decided to join! YLJLMtbNoA8 3:23:21
【Dark Souls: Remastered】 Have we finished the DLC? J3LseuMHj_I 3:14:01
【Warhammer 40,000: Dakka Squadron】 Iz time for some krumpin' mbQ9dJCTig0 3:24:06
【Minecraft】 Relax, explore, block N_R75_EV1Jc 3:24:15
【Minecraft】 No yabai for today _9MkZW7QeFs 3:14:47
【Of Orcs and Men】 Dats all becoz green iz bestest! t2DJV2VhaEY 3:01:42
【Warhammer 40,000: Dakka Squadron】 Ya gits redi to fly? wIp_0teJurQ 3:25:44
【Minecraft】 Barmaid Elayna shrunk! tjrnS396mTc 3:33:01
【Lies of P】 These zombies are annoying p_gfScXv4kY 3:02:22
【Resident Evil 4: Separate Ways】 Oh I missed you so, Ada HnKTe2ST4ys 3:29:11
【Dark Souls: Remastered】 I am really not fond of Necromancers VZgXHMm2l-Y 3:21:59
【Valheim】 We had some issues so... I18pp2TRzKk 3:09:43
【Payday 3】 Let's infiltrate czwoL850VVY 3:25:40
【Lies of P】 I want that free outfit! jyUf5NgIkcI 2:17:00
【Dark Souls: Remastered】 My suffering is your happiness WDzvao5kKis 3:01:58
【Minecraft】 Brrr I'm cold pRzrj5YC_Qk 3:49:38
【Dark Souls: Remastered】 You will be missed, Sif miXzFbw4j5Y 3:29:00
【Minecraft】 I have my minions to fight for me! sjsgydLYSYo 3:38:27
【Lies of P】 I finally met you, Papa Geppetto lP6yTjBji38 3:33:27
【Dark Souls: Remastered】 Finally done with New Londo 5XhXjtz6FNc 3:19:40
【Minecraft】 Let's push the mercenary into the lava _8V7AAQ2FHA 3:21:17
【Warhammer 40,000: Darktide】 Testing out the new update fl6o6ACIijI 3:34:26
【Skullgirls】4, 3, 2, 1. Who will be the strongest thumb? 8u51SPaVqeo 2:04:12
【Resident Evil 4: Separate Ways】 I am here for you my darling, Ada xkpV1-Fgr70 3:04:00
【Dark Souls: Remastered】 Where are we at again? hfHG5hG3bsU 2:03:44
【Minecraft】 We are BACK! mZKanQ_AySc 3:39:10
【One-Armed Cook】 Will we cook or will we burn? kyPYgGAGFD4 3:18:33
【Payday 3】 Advance paydayyyy u62Hjkyp1js 3:24:51
【NieR:Automata/Valheim】 FINALE: Is this the END end??? R_Wfk5gMsiU 3:26:29
【Valheim】 Meow! ucEN6rB6HLI 3:33:13
【Lies of P】 I don't lie, I'm a good boy cbzwSfn_VMI 3:28:52
【NieR:Automata】 Emo-phase 9S, say whaaaat? shFIVKoyG0o 3:34:22
【Dark Souls: Remastered】 Praise the SUNS! ZEyOMAeYbvY 3:23:42
【Halo Infinite】 Carry us to victory, Barmaid i0YpP6vstfI 3:40:43
【Cult of the Lamb/Starfield】 We need to free the Old Faiths now? 3VQe7FVjGNE 3:04:16
【Lies of P】 Testing my training in this new world 0ZVn46vyhr0 3:25:19
【NieR:Automata】 Let's fight some spheres _lJpJXXCuw8 3:06:51
【Dark Souls: Remastered】 Can I defeat the duo boss today? OlMUJxz9MOs 3:12:10
【Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun/Story of Seasons】 I hope I still remember P0IRXmywzSU 2:00:22
【Warhammer 40,000: Darktide】 Purging heretics with the Psycho and the Pantsu DXq9UMKJ9aY 3:15:34
【League of Legends】 Legion Puff Girls save the day! 5roV-Tyu9P8 3:33:12
【Starfield】 Chief Orc in space again? UfHEpp_1Ewc 3:20:17
【Cult of the Lamb】 The Kult of Kay shall grow! W4um3j5zNFg 3:15:19
【Dark Souls: Remastered】 Anor Londo physics is quite something else ND25IIr3Peg 3:02:06
【NieR:Automata】 Let's grind for levelling _g1-P1FYJhE 2:06:30
【PowerWash Simulator】 Let's chat and chill M3bD13iWEnQ 3:01:29
【Portal 2】 ChocoMint combining brains again KOsy2t0S0Gc 3:37:55
【Dark Souls: Remastered】 Going back to Sen's Fun House 8z5o2Zfe3Ps 3:01:28
【NieR:Automata】 I'm back, my darling, 2B tuyjUozTcQc 3:37:10
【Don't Starve Together】 Let's try this again lol h7KwN0nQn38 3:11:27
【Dark Souls: Remastered】 Hehe I'm back for more suffering fqL2Qturo9k 3:01:46
【Dark Souls: Remastered】 Trying to escape Blighttown n2wAz_vSCs4 3:12:26
【Sea of Thieves】 Set sail, into the mysterious sea! 7IbB4ikiGeQ 3:06:25
【Don't Starve Together】 The Kult of Kay takes over a new land! XBr4cLjl9l8 3:31:45
【Cult of the Lamb】 Where we gonna get new creature? P0jy2dJzRB8 3:02:25
【PowerWash Simulator】 Such a cozy night TKjdC_rSIjg 3:11:24
【Darks Souls: REMASTERED】 You are going down, you weird thing! izocBi6Gx6s 3:03:28
【Dead by Daylight】 Save us munchkin boss! 0MFoPTPdWLo 3:10:03
【Dead by Daylight】 Hehe Wazzup kYGuUzYI29o 3:07:03
【Portal 2】 Will we team up or fight? S9zvTQhRWMg 4:00:52
【Cult of the Lamb】 Let's just chill today cT8hhROTavs 3:00:30
【Dark Souls Remastered】 Another round of suffering! BfhwUvWPj9U 3:04:36
【Don't Starve Together】 Oopsie! Change of plans hehe asS97YgTSMI 3:33:04
【Warhammer 40,000: Darktide】 Ogryn protect Elves? pkmL1DZMwA8 3:19:30
【Refund Me If You Can/Dark Souls Remastered】 I regret agreeing to this xDGhzPVjDP8 2:26:30
【PowerWash Simulator】 Hewo! You thought I'm not here? lol gwlKmmBReTY 3:01:55
【Dark Souls: Remastered】 Please please please! Let me finish this! SlHRTQfK0Tw 3:08:09
【Collab】 A Minecraft treasure hunt! Mvp4XMW4C4w 2:34:54
【Warhammer 40,000: Darktide】 The gang is complete once again! df0dATWvKZU 2:47:52
【Resident Evil 2 + Minecraft】 Finally starting Claire's part neRp9Nx9cws 2:05:55
【Helltaker】 Where have we gone to this time? n3V0O4jLHAI 3:04:07
【Cult of the Lamb】 If I get this, I'm Dark Souls ready lol 1VSZFQH0N2o 3:08:12
【Minecraft】 So0pwais! Iz mE, BESTEST ORC w/ @AshaDawn BD_z2M7lYao 3:09:23
【Exoprimal】 Let's make some dino nuggies bZY3uAr77W8 2:30:38
【Warhammer 40,000: Darktide】 Two turns to THREEEEEEE! kadcFvr5hSk 2:31:40
【Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak】 Training with monsters Bhjwh1d2Ees 2:21:56
【NieR:Automata】 What are you hiding from us, Commander? xWhjmME_IgQ 3:35:38
【Cult of the Lamb】 How are my loyal followers? axZjpU4zL_A 3:18:08
【Minecraft】 Searching the Nether for the Little Tyrant -p797fcctcQ 3:31:04
【Warhammer 40,000: Darktide】 With the scaredy cat Dark Elf once again LaVW3SFWSVg 3:45:30
【Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak】 I hope I can still remember the controls ZJt4FzAfcxU 3:11:57
【NieR:Automata】 9S? Nines? biAKs8vHWv4 3:24:44
【Dark Souls: Remastered】 Can we finally defeat the gargoyles? xAzvHwJTsiM 2:02:09
【Minecraft/Dark Souls Remastered】 LET'S DO THIIIIIIIIS fjNW3f8XBtE 4:27:42
【The Thing 1982】 We're starting things off with a slumber partyyy! lol uDsLBvB2nv4 2:06:57
【Minecraft】 Just the three of us ycnmYhDoxLA 3:12:50
【Jump King】 Yobasha's Nth Burpdayyyyyy 7r3Eyo8bsxE 4:08:34
【Dark Souls: Remastered】 Your soul will be mine qrll-8nPwNo 3:13:07
【Minecraft】 What's our goal today? LzPul3-VQIo 3:26:09
【Minecraft】 Save me, darling! qZsJnDR1MxM 3:29:42
【NieR:Automata】 The real story begins now Oc3N6Gj2arE 3:06:40
【Apex Legends】 DO. NOT. HAVE. HIGH. EXPECTATIONS z-JyWD6e2qU 3:13:21
【Cult of the Lamb】Who will be next to ascend? 90Lkh2iDTXo 3:05:30
【NieR:Automata】 Where are you, 9S? ukRUijomZ_Y 3:40:51
【Minecraft】 Heave! Ho! Into the mines we go! ydnQjlumDfY 3:27:50
【Minecraft】 Honey, I'm home! - @AshaDawn ia3ghxnkS9E 3:34:07
【Minecraft】Map, where are you? Your Dora is lost again... jjSL9J_MaAs 4:34:54
【Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun】 MORE DAKKA FOR CELEBRATION fED0ccugH4s 3:08:46
【Cult of the Lamb】 Bow down to the great Green Leader! fHVr2G_0fn8 3:18:34
【NieR:Automata】 Pop it, lock it, polka dot it 0WKdA-rpmrY 3:21:50
【Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun】 You are the thunder, and I am the lightning AOUKmlSiuRI 3:06:08
【Operation Tango】 We can make it if we try z0n9Z2zPfi0 4:44:01
【Warhammer: Vermintide 2】 THIS. IS. LEGION! ZkixsxRTz-U 3:48:39
【Resident Evil 2】 Oh, I know you know how we felt about that night 3aZhvaO7Fmc 3:11:31
【Cult of the Lamb】 You raise me up CEPymB0ahXc 3:35:09
【NieR:Automata】 Every move I make feels lost with no direction zgWxckB8grE 3:21:38
【Don't Starve Together】 Metaphorically, this ghost is you @AshaDawn @IsabelleGoodwillow W2nlT2SMImo 3:48:51
【Cult of the Lamb】 Who will be next? -jPy9HAJgTk 3:07:44
【Warhammer 40,000: Darktide】 Elayna where are youuuuu gicZADxQ2kw 3:20:13
【Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun】 Lay down your arms, give up the fight XVBFGdYt4aw 3:05:49
【Cult of the Lamb】 Doing something unholy EInHuIxxvhU 3:27:47
【Don't Starve Together】Into the thick of it kHXKAACR85A 2:16:57
【Warhammer 40,000: Darktide】+ SummerGameFest Watch Party - Starting right now I'll be strong MYxfgZZ1tc8 3:31:50
【Resident Evil 2】In your head they're still fighting JVKruUNmdVk 3:40:49
【Cult of the Lamb】I can lead with pride, I can make us strong YrQDoYSYhko 3:04:03
【Hades】 Here was a kid with his act down pat voPr3PWWEAc 3:04:49
【Cult of the Lamb】 Worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies DkTPcUynW4U 3:20:32
【NieR: Automata】 Don't fight it, it's comin' for you, runnin' at ya _bv1O4EEwj0 3:10:00
【Monster Hunter Rise/Darktide】 Rising up to the challenge of our rival w/ @AshaDawn zhSeDfIxs8g 2:32:32
【Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun】 And we'll keep on fighting 'til the end 1TGOX74sQic 2:14:37
【Resident Evil 2/Cult of the Lamb】 Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality YBuoQOISUoU 3:38:45
【Monster Hunter Rise】 To test the limits and break through 1tLNWJwZYtQ 2:18:34
【Cult of the Lamb】 Come, followers! Obey me! BaYLf7gMH4Y 2:16:24
【Grounded】 We're tramping through the bush w/ @AshaDawn @IsabelleGoodwillow vFJ-JSDBLdk 2:21:40
【Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun】 For the DAKKAAAAAA LZGHgo7v4cE 2:02:08
【Hades】 I gotta go my own way r5y8gYIDR4Q 3:18:56
【Resident Evil 2】 The punishment continues... F3yGID3dn8Q 0:32:25
【Resident Evil 2】 Punishment continues... mrPQfQA_29c 3:15:03
【NieR: Automata】 NieR... Far... Wherever you are... y2zHzNKWbAI 3:07:42
【Grounded】 Is this the dark side of Wonderland? w/ @AshaDawn and @IsabelleGoodwillow qJb9KFX8EdA 3:01:38
【Resident Evil 2】 Why do I do this to myself... s7265u8sI1Q 3:22:05
【Hades】 Escaping Tartarus is no joke 1Cl1Dt4qnJg 2:11:03
【Devil May Cry 5】FINALE: The end of the beginning? YBFWQ0MFuHU 2:25:05
【Warhammer 40,000: Darktide】 And at last I see the light @AshaDawn 2Y8jbUiDWwY 2:33:52
【Monster Hunter Rise】 Gotta hunt them all etKijyCtK78 3:02:56
【Devil May Cry 5】 Be careful of what you do uv4gec_86hI 3:14:47
The Dante Dance f2z94iZXOB4 0:02:36
【Warhammer 40,000: Darktide】 I'll make a man out of you @AshaDawn Afsfx_kKel4 3:33:18
【Monster Hunter Rise】 Farming up for materiaaaaals @AshaDawn PvWHcDsC5f0 2:40:01
【Hades】 Show yourself, Aphrodite lo7Qv2c5_GE 3:05:53
【Hogwarts Legacy】 Yer a wizard, Kaylex X54VhAV4eL8 2:05:40
【Hades】 This is where I'm meant to be SOpb4xB_7RQ 3:03:45
【Monster Hunter Rise】Chaos as is with @AshaDawn and @IsabelleGoodwillow nvreh_3uD2Q 3:20:25
【Hogwarts Legacy】 Let's take it from the top! wlsHczGbxlI 3:06:33
【Devil May Cry 5】 Mr. Dante... I don't feel so good oW-Jxb--uCo 2:16:57
【Devil May Cry 5】 V and I are in a lovers' quarrel... liuEXuR4LJw 2:23:44
【Warhammer 40,000: Darktide】 Ogryn help dark elf @AshaDawn ? TVaI9IGYpSA 3:37:41
【Warhammer 40,000: Shootas, Blood, and Teef】FINALE: PPATEOTLIMYMO p3KMd1gP0-8 2:26:46
【Monster Hunter Rise】 Just keep swimming AfGYs3I8C6Q 3:05:13
【Warhammer 40,000: Shootas, Blood, & Teef】 More dakka!!! v0GhtJUaTP8 2:01:22
Kaylex is the bravest of the scared S0ABxmf5m28 0:02:41
【Devil May Cry 5】You got mud on your face, you big disgrace sxJ9d33COLk 3:04:00
【Resident Evil 4 Remake】 FINALE: Let's save Ashley... AGAIN MfmiW7dRfHs 3:46:56
【Monster Hunter Rise】 Farming scene with @AshaDawn v4IuH7Xh5oE 2:04:04
【American Truck Simulator】 They see me rollin', they hatin' kNXVL9Fbxus 2:13:21
【Devil May Cry 5】 I'm just like you, you're just like me~ 8hOWVSenUKI 3:12:36
【Resident Evil 4 Remake】 Back for more screaming? TYzwuUa-8E0 3:06:08
【Warhammer 40,000: Shootas, Blood, and Teef】 Into the unknoooooown~ cRIPSGK3hQI 3:17:34
【Monster Hunter Rise】 @AshaDawn 's poking spear through monsters HTr3AZC0myc 2:20:34
【Infinite Guitars】 Feel the beat of the new journey g7D3BNFVJ_k 2:08:18
【Resident Evil 4 Remake】 So many jumpscares... 8FtNtrjEr9s 2:01:38
【Monster Hunter Rise】 Farming for some armor 0uVX1qD5cmc 3:06:19
【Resident Evil 4 Remake】 Another stream, another scream NiN7ExnycS4 2:08:20
Orcs are for melee weapons indeed Bd0fx2ju2gU
【Monster Hunter Rise】 Monster hunting with the dark elf noob @AshaDawn FAzinx7xLI8 2:13:59
【Resident Evil 4 Remake】 Don't ever come back, whatever you are! _Z5St9dBk3M 2:06:44
【Monster Hunter Rise】 Explore with me szw_mAtbFtc 2:37:09
【Resident Evil 4 Remake】 Are there more monstrous fishies?! sIfw2soFMY4 2:20:02
【Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine】 FINALE: Protecting the Emperor to the very end! nfZokVIlHgs 2:03:14
【Resident Evil 4 Remake】 I. AM. BRAVE? oMKQuDg0xbQ 3:13:03
Half-Orc's Space Marine fails it_oNZGUmF4
【Resident Evil 4 Remake】 What did I do to deserve this?! Gdpobld8f_g 2:11:19
【Monster Hunter Rise】 How about we hunt Asha instead? LDbTbss_87M 3:14:08
【Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine】 Eradicate all heretics! ms4qi_PtcIg 2:04:11
【Middle Earth: Shadow of War】 FINALE: Bright Lord has conquered ALL!!! vLVDd99hgJw 3:15:33
【Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine】 We are back to smashingggg!!! hLm4VDIU3FI 3:09:43
【Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine】 Into a new world... fVMyJEl4RQA 2:06:23
【Middle Earth: Shadow of War】 Surrender or die! QBV6IhzsTjU 2:18:34
【Powerwash Simulator】 Let's be chill and celebrate cleaning GRiEYEU23JU 3:00:36
【Monster Hunter Rise】 Time to beat up some monsters ASBMESKYYBc 2:23:14
【Resident Evil 4/Story of Seasons】 Let's try out the demo. Finished the demo, farming time XLJ_O6yYaec 2:31:26
【DOOM Eternal】 It's time for parkour again oBO7EAUUxj0 3:00:14
【Hogwarts Legacy】 Off on another adventure are we? E50jZ-q8TRc 2:25:47
【Middle-earth: Shadow of War】 S-Sauron-sama, p-p-please guide me. UwU Y6W0It50m7w 2:08:19
【Hi-Fi Rush】 Second to the last, I guess OVGLG52KF9A 2:21:24
【Overcooked! 2】Chaos with the gangggg SG0dFQJ6rU4 2:23:55
【Middle Earth Shadow of War】 The bright lord will reclaim the throne! dsVHbK9Nsk0 2:26:35
【Food Wars!: Shokugeki No Soma】 Yey! Let's chill and watch together 6OvWCuS-vE4 2:19:56
【Hi-Fi Rush】 Korsica, open your eyes! We're meant for each other uxXrRu7-sZg 2:31:06
【Deep Rock Galactic】 The gang is back to wreak havoc in the land 2W3YL6_5KjA 2:46:18
【Hogwarts Legacy】 Let's go fly again Msqk4XIIfWs 2:36:03
【Monster Hunter Rise】Carry me to victory boss munchkin QRTr19X-Faw 2:26:07
【Hogwarts Legacy】 Can we please keep him?? BnXtO_q0XPQ 2:15:13
【Middle Earth: Shadow of War】 Time to get stronger, I guess hXEaZwESf6E 2:10:15
【Red Faction Guerilla Re-Mars-Tered】 Everything must go! k_tdbulUr2w 2:19:18
【Hogwarts Legacy】 Wands ready? Cast! Pt. 2 YNtRpESA1JQ 0:36:28
【Hogwarts Legacy】Wands ready? Cast! Pr0ETPb88d0 1:40:28
【Middle Earth: Shadow of War】Let's conquer them ALL!!! QDbpc_ZgAg0 2:06:29
【Grand Theft Auto V】Let's get cruisin' ERMlk9yzfPc 2:04:56
【Monster Hunter Rise】Let's train and hunt again yCnFl-y9KZA 2:21:48
【Hi-Fi Rush】Waifu Peppermint needs us jKFgLF_ToIY 2:29:27
【Hogwarts Legacy】Shut up, Professor Black 9jr92XX1igI 2:49:53
【Hogwarts Legacy】Onward to Hogsmead! zv91eqy5NOo 2:30:02
【Hogwarts Legacy】The Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry summons you sfbIYflT26s 2:22:57
【Doom Eternal】Time to practice parkour again UKp0QSvwqCs 2:13:36
【Middle Earth: Shadow of War】Your war chief calls upon you! 8qFsCKpaK6s 2:12:21
【Monster Hunter Rise】Hunt down the beast! UB-lwUm56YY 2:26:09
【Hi-Fi Rush】The rhythm makes me keep going! Er4P6Hg4bd4 2:29:01
【Middle Earth: Shadow of War】War chief commands you to battle! qrI1DkGp_rY 3:05:51
【Warhammer 40,000: Darktide】Ogryn wants blood UyrSH0dQPW8 2:10:48
【Monster Hunter Rise】Time to hunt again! svKOuSya5JE 2:12:03
【Doom Eternal】Please work this time t5bzQPb_3n8 2:15:05
【Hi-Fi Rush】What is this rhythm? GR3VS3yWi74 2:42:14
【Red Faction Guerilla Re-Mars-Tered】Revenge for my brother! FSpm3zgzeys 2:09:14
【Deep Rock Galactic】First Legion Fantasy collab _coOHg13rBM 2:29:28
【Middle Earth: Shadow of War】Please no issues this time 4j-AbOVTjyA 3:08:42
【Apex Legends/Sunset Overdrive】Watch me die over and over again _3KHLNd62W0 2:15:32
【Doom Eternal/Red Faction Guerrilla】What have we gotten ourselves into? mJHXbpaDU44 3:09:40
【Middle Earth】Bow down to the bright lord!! BUV3Hmz4p5g 2:14:18
【Red Faction Guerilla Re-Mars-Tered】Everything goes kaboom! HGCIh_xDCB8 2:14:44
【Warhammer 40,000: Darktide】The chaotic duo is at it again! KBXJooaIt8c 2:23:40
【Middle Earth: Shadow of War】Let's recruit more captains!!! vDmi4Gv-Iy8 2:37:28
【Sunset Overdrive】What is this new world we entered?! __SdUqTwqak 2:03:18
【Middle Earth: Shadow of War】How far along can we go now?? 7c0M918fn3c 2:17:22
【Red Faction Guerilla Re-Mars-Tered】Into a new adventure we go~ FD6KSlkSTpw 2:16:07
【Middle Earth: Shadow of War】Avoid making new nemesis kla8cC786qw 2:03:41
【Kill it With Fire】Asha where are youuuu Mm7S85n98uc 1:25:07
【Grand Theft Auto V】150 Sub Milestone!! Vf1wwB2a8fg 2:44:31
【Warhammer 40,000: Darktide】Please stop lagging peQQslfCgyk 2:03:25
【PowerWash Simulator】Collab with Asha?! Who will win zuMmYcwIf-E 2:25:56
【Farming Simulator】Crops for our villagers UAztgzAEKZE 2:06:25
【Kill It With Fire】I just HATE bugs! bleh CphDE8-DHik 2:08:08
【Middle Earth: Shadow of War】New year, new me? Naaaah S8uQODqFbmg 2:21:15
【Warhammer 40,000: Darktide】Let's kill 'em all!!! z27zGWT2II0 2:17:42
【Dead by Daylight】It's training day! SRVdai5AUlg 2:09:41
【My Friend Pedro】Our new friend Pedro will guide us najXxy-RWb8 2:10:13
【Grand Theft Auto 】Celebrate my birthday with me! qZXP4IpBqTo 3:32:32
【Middle Earth: Shadow of War】The rival tribe has taken over! 8hg9OVAb8Wo 2:02:33
【Kill It With Fire】Christmas Feast has been hunted! 7TA6RpBntKY 2:28:23
【Warhammer 40,000: Darktide】No one attacks my tribe!! csa-P35ksqk 2:05:54
【Warhammer 40,000: Darktide】There's been a change of plans?! XciTFdHUADI 1:59:23
【PowerWash Simulator】Have you met little munchkin Isabelle? czMor8dzqsM 2:09:07
[Debut Stream!] Middle Earth: Shadow of War zQcCo3FAHng 2:13:35