link title id published scheduled started ended duration
【A HAT IN TIME】 WE GOTTA COLLECT THE TIME PIECES!! 【Serena Starstruck | Stellar Verse Productions】 NmVDPEmUT5A
【Toriel Voice Acting Hightlights】 Goat Mom, Please! 【Serena Starstruck | Stellar Verse Productions】 S-6YN1uHzak
【LEAGUE OF LEGENDS】 Atakhan my beloved :0 【Serena Starstruck | Stellar Verse Productions】 ugJyO1gjZWg 2:41:53
【PROJECT SEKAI】 Hey shitass, wanna watch me FC? 【Serena Starstruck | Stellar Verse Productions】 ibejPjXuZzI 4:07:24
【LOCKDOWN Protocol】 CINEMA! ...or sometimes 【Serena Starstruck | Stellar Verse Productions】 DR2N-hWk3TQ 2:37:33
【A LITTLE TO THE LEFT】 Cozy Puzzle Game! 【Serena Starstruck | Stellar Verse Productions】 3_hFu402HSo 5:00:24
【UNDERTALE PART 6】WHY WON'T SHE DIE?!【Serena Starstruck | Stellar Verse Productions】 XO1bqjg0xCg 4:34:37
【BLOONS TD 6】WIZARD MONKEYYYYY!【Serena Starstruck | Stellar Verse Pro】 wgADraQCqFk 2:51:23
The Bears... are EVIL!【Serena Starstruck | Stellar Verse Productions】 afma4-CUnEM
【PLATE UP!】LET US COOK! @UsachiYui @n_Tokaku @LemiLichen【Serena Starstruck | Stellar Verse Pro】 WoljDNgqFmU 3:59:53
【MINECRAFT】 So we back in the mine... 【Serena Starstruck | Stellar Verse Productions】 JwYWmnNqLuY 4:36:42
STREAM LOST IN TIME BY SERENA STARSTRUCK【Serena Starstruck | Stellar Verse Productions】 ba17pm41mFg
【LEAGUE OF LEGENDS】 Ba ba bee ba~ 【Serena Starstruck | Stellar Verse Productions】 5S5FjO27wKU 4:03:05
【MUSE DASH】RHYTHM GAMING【Serena Starstruck | Stellar Verse Productions】 v5OKB1Ug_y0 1:45:02
FULL VER IN COMMENTS Melty Land Nightmare cover【Serena Starstruck | Stellar Verse Productions】 2a5gLrYwpDg
【UNDERTALE PART 5】THE UNDYING NEEDS TO DIE!!【Serena Starstruck | Stellar Verse Productions】 rhTXSCf6HrE 3:54:07
【UNDERTALE PART 4】Genocide Run Time...【Serena Starstruck | Stellar Verse Productions】 k9kXtbCGb1A 3:30:56
【WEBFISHING】 SUMMON THE WHALE【Serena Starstruck | Stellar Verse Productions】 CJCzWEoi2BY 3:08:05
ENDERMAN REMATCH!! 【Serena Starstruck | Stellar Verse Productions】 wsF20v9MeiM
【KNOT AFTER PARTY】Celebrating with @n_Tokaku!!【Serena Starstruck | Stellar Verse Productions】 2h32ARN75qI 2:41:35
【Cover】Sakura Biyori and Time Machine【Serena Starstruck and @n_Tokaku | Stellar Verse Productions】 hQ276rt5yJM
【HOLIDAY KARAOKE】Late to Christmas but still festive!【Serena Starstruck | Stellar Verse Productions】 xqRDweLXv_s 1:35:49
【MADOKA MINECRAFT】 Talking about my favorite anime! 【Serena Starstruck | Stellar Verse Productions】 dy16fxsrJYA 2:18:59
【MADOKA MINECRAFT】 Talking about my favorite anime! 【Serena Starstruck | Stellar Verse Productions】 XLQopUYbGgM
【LETHAL COMPANY】IM SCAREDDDDDD【Serena Starstruck | Stellar Verse Productions】 VAGRnGjOUU8 2:42:54
【PUYO PUYO TETRIS 2】Brushing off the dust【Serena Starstruck | Stellar Verse Productions】 oWF4UnDa5yg 2:33:58
【UNDERTALE PART 3】TRUE PACIFIST ENDING【Serena Starstruck | Stellar Verse Productions】 u9L5EsbE7cQ 2:45:07
Christmas Cutie #vtuber #envtuber i2O4lNcxzYg
【MONETIZATION CELEBRATION】Mallow QnA, BTS, and Games!【Serena Starstruck | Stellar Verse Productions】 d94xKuh2nwY 1:53:19
IDOL VS ENDERMAN (Spoiler Alert: She didn't win) 【Serena Starstruck | Stellar Verse Productions】 d5YZ4z1L6WE
THIS TIME TRAVELLING VTUBER PREDICTED THE FUTURE!! 【Serena Starstruck | Stellar Verse Productions】 34wEQ7WrDNA
【UNDERTALE PART 2】Despite everything, it's still you【Serena Starstruck | Stellar Verse Productions】 XlFUJteJxxw 4:04:08
【ANIMAL CROSSING】Mr Nook plz don't put me in debt ;w;【Serena Starstruck | Stellar Verse Productions】 Kayw2VVLSIQ 1:48:38
【MACROSS TIERLIST】 Ranking Frontier with @LemiLichen 【Serena Starstruck】 WvAXu8OamGU 2:26:10
【UNDERTALE PART 1】Howdy! I'm Serena! :D【Serena Starstruck | Stellar Verse Productions】 GtaQvy-25A4 4:14:46
【GIRLS TALK】Debut Talk and Chilling【Serena Starstruck | Stellar Verse Productions】 fsbVJoMlrys 2:58:10
【SUIKA GAME】Watermelon... Watermelon game hard...【Serena Starstruck | Stellar Verse Productions】 QEf9skZz6m0 1:49:19
【VKET】IDK HOW TO VR OR CHAT【Serena Starstruck | Stellar Verse Productions】 oDyG7TczJoU 2:11:03
【MINECRAFT】 Idols aren't very good at Minecraft...【Serena Starstruck | Stellar Verse Productions】 JJE0-5mpe-M 4:01:26
【SATIRE ASMR】Gamer Roomie Plays While You Try To Sleep【Serena Starstruck | Stellar Verse Production】 61d2uPya_uA 1:06:30
【Cover】Ten Thousand Stars by Circus-P【Serena Starstruck | Stellar Verse Productions】 YAVeY1Zn6EE
proseka testing WfrgW0ySQTU
【FIRST KARAOKE】 Sing Song Sing!!【Serena Starstruck | Stellar Verse Productions】 hTaIljn7JHY 2:18:14
【MUSIC PRODUCTION 101】 What goes into a VTuber Song?【Serena Starstruck | Stellar Verse Productions】 LMnlVNzJDXY 2:46:10
【WEBFISHING】 Fish and chips? Or fish and chat?【Serena Starstruck | Stellar Verse Productions】 z_693ppDy-U 4:15:37
【MUSE DASH】 I'M GAMER I SWEAR!!! 【Serena Starstruck | Stellar Verse Productions】 XFGjwBhs_hk 3:13:13
【DEBUT 2.0】 Hhhhhiiiiiii :D【Serena Starstruck | Stellar Verse Productions】 -fc326qYe8o 2:22:45
【Cover】Heart Attack by Demi Lovato【Serena Starstruck | Stellar Verse Productions】 cAa5-2_HMO4
SERENA CALL AND RESPONSE GUIDE #stellarversepro #svpinfinium o7igshNPOMk
【Cover】Fuwa Fuwa Time【Serena Starstruck | Stellar Verse Productions】 G2QbyOrhgFc
POV: You think a couch and a sofa are the same thing HQFR9wQoggQ
【Cover】Bake no Hana by NAKISO【Serena Starstruck | Stellar Verse Productions】 R5wxVwoSyHc
POV: You tell me you aren't coming to my debut on December 8th _3yG6pTmsX0
Kawaii desu ka? Br4L7h8efLA
【DEBUT ORIGINAL SONG】 Lost In Time 【Serena Starstruck | Stellar Verse Productions】 2NQDBrvlZbU 0:06:36
【Cover】Motteke! Sailor Fuku!【Serena Starstruck | Stellar Verse Productions】 ItAxLasUfco
【Cover】Meltdown by Iroha(sasaki)【Serena Starstruck | Stellar Verse Productions】 rIdOmJkaFE8
【DEBUT】It's my time to shine!!【Serena Starstruck | #StellarVersePro】 #SVPInfinium yVFNqDOUIV8 0:37:07
Nice Clock! l3STNQKJpIQ
【DEBUT PV】 An idol is coming to your timeline soon! 【Serena Starstruck | Stellar Verse Productions】 kyqVdvrzQ_k
【Cover】Melty Land Nightmare by Harumaki Gohan【Serena Starstruck | Stellar Verse Productions】 qTrzOhDZIUw 0:05:33
【GUERILLA LEAGUE】 Levelling Account 【Serena Starstruck | Stellar Verse Productions】 _8hpQ5AWo2M 3:25:00